Part Nine: Chapter 53: Acts

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In the long cold months that followed the Joker lay low and avoided the spotlight. Something of which was very uncharacteristic of him. Anyone who had any form of contact with the Clown Prince could tell he was behaving strangely. Even his appearance was off. His once impeccable wardrobe of expensive starched designer suits had shifted to days on end walking around his house in Arkham sweat pants. His green locks hadn't seen a comb and were usually just messily raked back with his fingers.

He spent days on end locked away in solitude in his office, not a peep to be heard within its secluded walls. His men rarely saw their boss. He gave them no orders. He hadn't worked on any elaborate plans. He didn't even yell at them, which in the past he had made quite a sport of. So the men got restless and went out into the city creating their own havoc, in the bosses name of course. The Joker never once bat an eyelash at the evening news when it covered their escapades. It was almost as if he didn't even acknowledge it. Maybe he just didn't care.

In addition to all those changes, the once big and manic smile had left the Joker's face. His once loud and hearty laughter was simply gone, and now merely a ghost in everyone's minds. He was a shell of his former self and no one knew why. Obviously something was on the Joker's mind but he never gave a single hint or indication as to what it could be. What had caused such a noticeable change in a person's entire being? Was the Joker going to be this way from now own? Or was it merely a funk he had fallen victim to? A depression of sorts? Would it all change on a whim?

Frost was worried about the boss. This just wasn't who he was. This wasn't even his former self, Jack. This clown was a complete stranger and Frost didn't have a clue what was going through his mind. Maybe nothing at all was going on in his head. Maybe the Joker's behavior was part of his plan. Frost already knows to never assume that he knows what's going on in his bosses mind. Nobody could figure out what was going on in his head, ever. Now was proving to be no different.

So in an attempt to maybe bring the boss around from whatever abyss he had fallen into, Frost sent for Ivy. She wasn't the bosses lady, but some might say that she was the closest thing to one in the Joker's life. The Joker hadn't exactly hid the sexual nature of their relationship from anyone. But Ivy was more to him than an easy piece of ass. In all the time that Frost had known the boss, it was only in Ivy's presence that the Joker showed a comrodery that resembled friendship. Ivy was the only person who could insult the boss, or laugh at him, and get away with it. If anybody stood a chance at helping the Joker, it was Ivy.

Ivy could feel the staleness in the air that day when she walked through the mansion of half sane and heavily armed men. Their hungry eyes prowled her perfect physique, but everyone knew better than to try to touch. And not because she was lethal. Because the boss considered this beauty as his to do with as he pleased, and he didn't like to share. It didn't matter that she wasn't his girlfriend, she was still his.

Ivy finds the Joker in his office. At first glance Ivy was taken aback by his appearance. He was very unkempt. He was shirtless and in nothing but Arkham sweat pants. His eyes were bloodshot and seemed so vacant. Ivy wasn't really sure what to say to him. The air around him was very different. He didn't look like a madman. He looked more like some kids birthday party clown. The inhuman aura he normally radiated wasn't present. He seemed almost humbled.

"J?" Ivy says, unsure if he even saw her open the door and come in. He seemed so lost. Distracted even.

The Joker blinks and rises to his feet. He walks around his desk and gently cups Ivy's face. His eyes look into hers briefly before he started to scan her body. He forced a smile to his face, "Did you come to play?"

Ivy smiles at him, "Actually, your clowns were starting to worry about you. I think I can see why," she says looking him over closely. "They asked me over to check up on you. They're all afraid to do it," she shrugs.

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