Part Thirteen: Chapter 77: Rehabilitation Of Another Kind

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Bruce's POV

It was an overdose of methamphetamine and ecstasy, and enhanced with alcohol. Essentially, the Joker's heart worked so fast and hard that it started skipping beats and fluttering. Then, not knowing what to do, it just stopped beating. At the hospital they pumped him full of counteracting drugs and get him stabilized. I, of course, had to explain that drug levels given to him had to be gargantuan because of the still lingering Ace chemicals in his blood.

They told me I saved his life with the chest compressions, but they didn't look at me like I was a hero. They looked at me like I was some sort of monster for keeping the city's biggest criminal alive. No one was brave enough to question me personally, but I could tell they wanted to. Hell, I could understand their questioning, but I couldn't exactly tell them that I acted out of love. They would be preparing to send me to Arkham, instead of J.

But I just couldn't let them send J back to Arkham, at my most recent inspection, they were still not being operated as I would like. It's better, but it wasn't good enough for me to feel safe in leaving J in their care. Bruce Wayne couldn't sweep in and whisk the Joker away this time. Bruce Wayne was the one who let him escape and be on the loose for over a year. No one would trust Bruce Wayne after the public ridicule I got for letting the Joker escape from my care.

So I had no choice but to take a page from the Joker's playbook. In the middle of the night I used a sleeping gas to knock out everyone on the Joker's floor. I went into his room and took out his IV. I cut the restraints holding him to the bed. Then I lift him into my arms and walked right out the front door with him. I put him in the batmobile and buckled him in.

As I drive I look over at him sleeping. The hospital had been keeping him sedated for their safety, but I assume that will be wearing off soon. I can't resist the urge to stroke his face. I don't think I know how I would have felt if he had died. It would have been as if a part of myself died too. As much as I hated admitting it, the Joker was right, we defined each other. There was no need for one without the other.

When I get to the batcave Alfred is already there waiting with an unpleased expression. He's mad at me for bringing the crazy Clown Prince home again. However, he knows he would have never succeeded in talking me out of it. I wished he could understand that this was simply something that I had to do. For J. At Arkham he would just break out again. He wasn't going to get away from me this time. He wasn't going to manipulate me twice. I wouldn't be stupid enough to let him out of his cell this time.

"Master Bruce, how do you plan to deal with this drug addicted psychopath?" Alfred asks as he holds a blanket draped over his arm.

I lay the Joker on the bed in his cell and comfortably position him. I take the blanket from Alfred with a sigh and lay it across J. "I have no idea Alfred. A year ago the Joker wasn't on drugs." I can't help but wonder if what happened between us was the catalyst to it.

"I suggest you come up with a plan. I suspect that when he wakes up he won't be in a very pleasant mood. He will be sober and wanting more," Alfred stares down at the Joker's peaceful face.

"I know," I robotically say as I stare at the Joker sleeping. Alfred and I walk out of the cell and I lock it down.

"And how do you plan to explain this to Master Jason?" Alfred then asks.

I sigh and run my hand over my face, "I don't know."

"Did you put any thought into any of this at all?" Alfred stares through the glass at the Joker.

What could I say? The only thought that crossed my mind was that I couldn't let them send J back to Arkham. I haven't thought about what to do with him or how to help him. I didn't know a single thing about rehabilitating a drug addict. I don't even know how much of one he was. The hospital had been able to shed a little light on things by doing tests. A hair follicle test could only determine a six month period, but confirmed that the Joker had used daily for the last six months, most likely longer. I guess answers would have to wait until J could answer them.

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