Part Thirteen: Chapter 81: Blind As A...HaHaHa!

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Joker's POV

I couldn't sleep, I was too cold. I think Batsy kicked down the air in here, just to make sure I was not only wet, but miserable. Well congratulations bat, well played, mission accomplished. I'm so pissed off at him for this stunt of his. When I get out of here I'm going to go out of my way to capture that bat, chain him up in my basement, take a fire hose to him, and chill the air to barely above freezing. Let's see how much he likes it.

After many many hours I finally dry off. I'm was about to drift off to sleep when all the lights in my cell come on. I sit up straight and can see baby bird boy standing next to Batsy's desk. My eyes narrow and I growl. I knew the little shit was only down here because Bruce and Jeeves are probably sleeping. So that tells me that it's in the early morning hours, but not yet daylight.

"He just can't resist sneaking down here every chance he gets, can he?"

"I see the sprinklers work," he says looking at the still wet floor as he approached the glass. "I would have loved to see the expression on your face."

"I can't wait to get my hands on that fucking kid."

"I needed a shower anyway. I hate taking one with him watching me," I put my feet on the wet floor and stand up. I cross over to the glass and peer at him. "Tell me, does he keep you around for your fighting abilities, or does old Batsy just like young boys for entertainment purposes?" I ask. "Or is it all reversed? Did you agree to help him out so you can quench your own needs? Do you call him daddy?"

"I know what you're trying to do, it won't work," he folds his arms across his chest.

"I know what you're trying to do, it won't work," he folds his arms across his chest

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"HaHaHa! That's what you think kid."

I give him a big smile.

I have more ways to get inside of his head. "Have you ever asked him why he keeps you around?" I ask him.

"No," he sighs.

"Oooh, enlighten him!"

"Its because you remind him of me."


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