Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 180: The Long Goodbye

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Jason's POV

I've paced a hole in J's bedroom carpet. We had all been waiting in breathless vigil for Ace to return with a neurologist. J's condition had remained unchanged. Harley sat at his side holding his hand. Every now and again I can hear her sobbing. I wanted to be comforting her, but didn't want to drag her away from J just yet. Maybe he could hear her and feel her, even if he appeared to be unresponsive. I glance at my watch, it's only been three minutes since I last looked at it.

"God, what is taking so long?" Ivy asks, having just shined a light in J's eye again.

"I'll call him," Frost says as he pulls out his phone. He was about to dial when his phone rang in his hand. He answers it, "Yeah?" We all watch as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. "Yes. Yes. Good well...yeah...ok," he hangs up with a sigh. He looks to all of us looking at him. "They just pulled up. They have the doctor and a transportable MIR machine. They're bringing it up. A cop was stationed at the hospital. Ace and two of the others took bullets. They need help getting the machine up."

"I'll take care of the wounded in the lab," Ivy says and goes from the room.

"I'll help you with the stuff," I say. Frost nods and leaves. I turn and give one last look to Harley. She was kissing J's hand. I look down and follow Frost to the elevator.

When we get outside to the van I could see one of the clowns helping one of the others out of the back. They were both shot, one in the thigh, the other in the foot. The driver quickly comes around to the passenger side and opens the door. I could see Ace holding his side, he was covered in sweat. I could hear him moan as he got out. Frost opens the back and gets the machine out, luckily it was on rollers. I pull a gun from my back and aim at the trembling, blindfolded doctor. I grab him by the arm and pull him out. I push him toward the door and shove my gun into his spine.

"Move it," I command him.

We get everyone back to the penthouse and Frost pushed the machine into J's room. He leaves the room to go help Ivy with the wounded guys. That left Harley and I with the doctor. I shut J's bedroom door. I jerk the blindfold off the doctor's eyes and point my gun in his face. I give him a friendly smile.

"Hello doctor. You've been brought here because we required a neurologist for my brother," I say, motioning to J on the bed with my head.

"A-a-are y-you..."

"The Joker?" I cut him off, "No, he is," I motion at J again with my head. This time the doctor actually turns his head to look at J. I could see his eyes get even more bugged out when he sees J. He then looks back at me in confusion.

"Don't just stand there already!" Harley shouts with tears in her eyes.

I push the doctor towards the bed, "You heard her. Move it."

He walks over to J and asks, "What s-seems to be the p-p-problem?"

"He's got a non-malignant brain tumor in the left frontal lobe," I say as I slowly lower my gun. "Apparently it's inoperable. My brother chose to not go the chemical route because he has somewhat unique blood that interferes with most chemicals. In the last six months he began exhibiting more and more side effects. Mobility issues. Muscle spasms. Semi blindness in his left eye. Speech issues. Personality changes. Auditory and visual hallucinations. A few hours ago he had a seizure. Now he ain't waking up and his pupils aren't responding to light," I brief him.

He sits at the edge of the bed and opens J's eyelid and checks his eye. He stands and brings the machine over to the bed. He positions it how he needs it. Harley and I stand back and watch the images that pop up on a screen as the doctor types in things. The only noise in the room was the sound of the machine as it turned and took images of J's brain.

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