Part Fourteen: Chapter 92: Number One Goon

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I had an awesome idea! So we're gonna back track a bit. Lets change focus and see what people are doing in J's absence...

Frost' s POV

That bat drug the boss outta here in nothing but his birthday suit, and it wasn't his birthday. That, of course, opened an entire new set of difficulties for me. One, I couldn't prevent the boss from being taken. Two, I had to find out where the bat took the boss. Three, I had to organize an escape. Four, I was left in charge to run the bosses business. But five was the duzzy, I had to take care of the bosses lady. Who, by the way, was left in a pretty humiliating perdicament. Naked, blind folded, and tied to the bosses bed.

I can't tell you how awkward that one was...but I think you can figure it out.

She was thrashing around on the bed and vines were crawling through the busted out window when I opened the door. She heard me come in and her head snapped to the direction I was standing. "W-who's there?" She asked me.

I clear my throat. "Uh, it's Frost miss...I-I'm gonna untie you. Ok? I promise I'm not looking," I assure her.

But let's face it, that's a complete lie. How do you not look at a beautiful naked woman? Especially when you have to untie her from a bed. But I moved slowly and tried to focus on the vines headed toward me. I pick up the edge of the bunched up sheet and drag it up her body. She seemed to relax a little once I did. I pulled out a knife and cut the rope around her wrists. She quickly untangled herself and pulled the blind fold from her eyes.

She clutched the sheet tight against her chest and backed into the headboard. I think she might have been afraid I was going to hurt her. But then I realized, a toxin infused woman who could control plants and men, had no reason to be afraid. She could kill me with a single kiss. I've watched her go toe to toe with the boss and never appear afraid. Trust me, the boss was someone to truly fear. I feared him. So what was with the huge green eyes that looked at me?

I forget about it when her eyes fall down to her hands. She was still holding the blind fold. But it wasn't exactly like a sleeping mask or bandana. It was more like a hood. A cowl with pointy ears to be exact. Bat ears. I can actually hear her draw in a breath of shock. Her big green eyes instantly began to float in tears. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I kinda had a feeling about it. I think she'd finally figured out that the bosses feelings toward her might not have been so face value.

Of course I knew. I knew the boss probably better than anyone. I was one of a few that had known him longer than any who were still alive. Only Ace and I even knew what the boss used to look like. And only I knew what his real name actually was. I spend more time around him than any. I won't be so bold as to say that I get the boss, but when you spend that much time at someone's side, in every aspect of their life, it's not hard to form a sense of who they are inside.

Besides...who do you think the boss sent out to buy that cowl??? Yep, that's right, me. And I knew it wasn't for the purposes of which it would normally be for anyone else. I got the significance. I didn't know he was putting the thing on Ivy to fuck her, pretending her to be the bat. But unlike Ivy, I'm not the least bit surprised. Infact, it confirmed suspicions that I had had for years. I guess I couldn't help but feel bad for her. The boss had swept her off her feet and used her, pretending for her sake that he loved her.

I watch as her eyes scanned the room. Then she looked over the side of the bed down to the floor on the bosses side of the bed. I knew what she was looking at. Under the nightstand the boss had a floor safe. It wasn't used for money or other things of monetary value. Infact, whether it was from chemicals, experiments, or shock therapy, the boss seems to have forgotten that he had it installed. The boss forgets small things all the time. But he keeps very detailed journals. He writes it all down, every plot, every plan, every thought and every dream.

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