Part Seven: Chapter 38: Proper Interduction

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The Joker conducted many many tests on himself. He wanted to know everything there was to know about his...condition. He found that he wasn't in any immediate medical danger. In fact, he found that he was healthier than ever. Apparently his blood was equivalent to an antibiotic. So he introduced many forms of bacteria and viruses to samples of his blood. None of them survived. So he tried diseases. And again he found that none could thrive in his blood. So he moved on to STD's. And again, his system supported none of them. He was a walking medical marvel.

In addition the Joker discovered that his wounds healed in half the time they previously had. Stitches could be removed three days later. Infections couldn't seem to form. The only explanation being the chemicals that remained in his blood stream. They in essence created a sterile environment for the wounds to heal. He discovered that cleaning his wounds wasn't even needed.

But the Joker found that his blood wasn't the only thing that was sterile. The chemicals had given him an incredibly low sperm count. So much so that it was pretty safe to say he would never get another woman pregnant again. This is convenient really. He already knows there's no room in his life for children. He likes that he can have sex without concenqence. No more condoms

or pulling out, that wasn't necessary

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or pulling out, that wasn't necessary. That's good because the chemicals also seemed to put his sex drive in overdrive.

When the Joker wasn't in his lab studying himself or getting tattoos, he was studying Batman. He knew Batman was just a normal man behind that cowl. He seemed so invincible only because of very high end gadgetry. Custom made things that you couldn't buy or reproduce very well. Even his suit itself was bullet proof, and most likely one of the few reasons that the bat had not yet been killed while taking on Gotham's criminals. None of the things he uses could be cheap. Therefore, the Joker knows that Batman is a man with money or one with connections to a lot of money.

The Joker doesn't wish to kill the bat however. He is much too fascinated by him. The Joker just could not fathom why some average guy would want to be a vigilante? Was it a grudge thing? Had the bat been some sort of victim of crime, and become hellbent on getting justice in his own way? Or was it possible for a man to develop such a hero complex? The Joker found him to be a fantastic case study.

But they hadn't been formally introduced. Joker knows that Batman was at the parade, but as the person he is behind the mask. He didn't show himself because there was no threat. So the Joker knows he must arrange for them to meet. The Joker knew just how to do that, there had to be a large enough threat to draw the bat out of his cave.

But before the Joker could do all that he felt he needed to eliminate any and all paper trails or traces linking him to Jack Napier. In fact, he wants it to look as though Falcone had killed him before he ever married Jeannie, before they fled to Metropolis. Then he wouldn't be linked to The Red Hood or any of his crimes. The Joker doesn't wish to be linked to those identities. Those people were dead.

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