Part Twenty-Three: Chapter 163: The Last Normal Day

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Jason's eyelids flutter and open to a ray of light from the window shining into them. He was lying on his stomach in his bed. He's still not very used to being in his room at the Joker's penthouse. His mouth was still throbbing with pain from having an entire dental facelift last night. Now his teeth were indestinguishable from the Joker's. He hears ice cubes clicking in a crystal glass across the room. Clink. Clink. Clink. He rolls onto his side and allows his eyes to focus on the shadows in the room.

"Good afternoon brother," he hears the Joker's voice. He squints his eyes a bit trying to focus on the figure in a chair. "Boy, I bet you really feel like you've been kicked in the teeth. HaHaHa!"

Jason rolls his eyes at the Joker's comment and sits up in the bed, "What time is it?" He asks as he rests the palm of his hand on his cheek. His mouth ached with every syllable he uttered.

"It's 6:00 pm," the Joker says and swirls his ice cubes some more.

The clink, clink, clink sound may as well have been fingers on a chalkboard to Jason. His forehead scrunched and he closes his eyes and takes a breath. Clink. Clink. Clink.

(Photo by dzhared

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(Photo by dzhared.leto @ Instagram)

"Would you stop?!" He snaps at the Joker, "And why are you sitting there being all creepy?!"

"Sounds like someone's c-r-r-r-ranky," the Joker smiles, "I know precisely what you're going through. It's funny isn't it, how the sense of sight and sound tend to aggravate our pain receptors when we're hurt? I consider myself as somewhat of an expert on pain."

"Yeah?" Jason sighs, "Living with it, or creating it in others?"

"Hahaha, well both since you put it that way," the Joker says and stands. He crosses over to Jason's bed and sits on the edge. "Did you know that it's pain that teaches us, molds us, defines us? You should count your lucky stars that I allowed you anesthesia last night. I don't think theres very much that can compare to root canals without anesthesia. Here," the Joker smiles as he reaches to the breast pocket inside his jacket. He pulls out a little bottle of cocaine, "This will kill the pain," he says as he holds it between his thumb and index finger.

Jason's hand greedily snatches the bottle away. He twists the lid off and starts to tap the cocaine out onto the side of his fist. He sticks his nose to it and snorts it back. Then he quickly taps out some more for the other nostril. The Joker smiles and gently takes the bottle of coke from Jason. He offers him his drink. Jason takes it and raises it to his lips. He takes a big gulp and hands the glass back to the Joker. He felt 90% better. Jason glances at his brother and notices the amused look on his face.

"Stop looking at me like that," he frowns at the Joker and wipes his nose.

"Like what?" The Joker muses as his smile widens.

"Like I'm the most amusement you've seen in weeks," Jason answers.

The Joker's grin grows even more, revealing the silver that twinkle in dim lighting. "Have you forgotten that I spent the last few weeks in Arkham? Aside from my very private welcome hope party with Harley last night, you are the most entertainment I've seen in weeks."

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