Part Ten: Chapter 59: Memory Lane

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After a week of solitary confinement Dr. Strange decided that it would be best for everyone if the Joker wasn't allowed to mingle with the other patients. The Joker wasn't happy with this. Naturally, it meant that his rescue would have to be put on hold. Dr. Strange had the Joker right where he wanted him. Dr. Strange wanted to test out a machine that he had been working on. It would allow him to go inside the Joker's mind. It would be an incredible breakthrough in understanding what makes a psychopath tick.

Dr. Strange prepares a full report on Batman and delivers it into the Joker's hands. The Joker didn't seem very impressed by what he read. In truth, Dr. Strange didn't tell him anything he didn't already know. In fact, it was the Joker who needed to be giving Dr. Strange a psychiatric evaluation of his Batsy. Still, the Joker was stuck doing experiments with Strange. He didn't have much choice really, he was at Strange's disposal. The Joker knew he had no true way to refuse when he's constantly restrained out of his cell.

So the day came that the Joker was wheeled into a forgotten section of Arkham, deep below the ground. He was alone with the doctor who took him into a room where a lone machine stood. The Joker looks it over and knows that this is going just a bit far in the experimentation department. He was expecting more drugs, which admittedly, he did enjoy. The doctor never mentioned anything about machinery.

"This isn't some new and improved shock therapy, is it?" The Joker asks, suddenly feeling a bit threatened.

"It's a trick."

"No. Nothing of the sort," Dr. Strange shakes his head and pushes some buttons on the machines keypad, "this is a machine I've been working on that will allow me to travel inside your mind and see what you see."

"HaHaHa! Oh I hope you like scary movies doctor," the Joker laughs. Dr. Strange walks over to the Joker with a helmet of sorts in his hands. He moved to place it on the Joker's head. "Hold up doc," the Joker says and quickly moved his head back, "What risks are involved with this?"

"The risks to you are very minimal. It's I who is risking ill effects."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" The Joker quirks an invisible eyebrow at the doctor.

"Like losing my own sanity," Strange tells him.

"Like losing my own sanity," Strange tells him

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"HaHaHa, I like your style doc. By all means, proceed," he chuckles.

Dr. Strange straps the helmet on the Joker's head as he continued to laugh. Then the doctor sat in a chair and put on a helmet just like it. He pushed a button and something started to happen. The Joker could feel pins and needles all over his head and it felt as if the helmet was squeezing his head. The Joker looks over at Dr. Strange just in time to watch his head slowly fall forward. The Joker just rolls his eyes and attempts to ignore the nagging sensation.

But for Dr. Strange, the experience was a horse of a different color. He was plummeting into darkness. Then, just as he was about to think that the machine wasn't ready, bright lights flicked on and illuminated a long hallway, doors lined both sides. He stands up from the chair slowly. A distant laugh startled him.

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