Part Twenty-Two: Chapter 156: Treating Options

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The board that was over Arkham Asylum sat around a conference table waiting for Bruce Wayne to show up. He was late, saying that he was held up in morning rush hour traffic. But actually, he was a mess. He hadn't slept in days. He hadn't shaved and his stubble was starting to show his age. He wasn't even sure if he had showered before leaving Wayne Manor. He had been busy grieving and making funeral plans for Jason, then there was his funeral. Bruce lay him to rest in the Wayne family plot at Wayne Manor.

Bruce was consumed with guilt over his death

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Bruce was consumed with guilt over his death. It would have been so easy to put all that blame for Jason's death on the Joker. But the truth was, it was just as much Bruce's fault. He's the one who put Jason in the crosshairs. Jason shouldn't have been there. If he wasn't there he would have still been alive. If he had stayed at Wayne Manor he could have lived to celebrate his twenty first birthday. But now he couldn't. Now he was at the bottom of a six foot hole, covered in dirt. The only testimony of his existence in this world was now some headstone.

When Bruce got the call about the Arkham board meeting it crossed his mind to not show up and to just send them a check. He even assumed the meeting would be to coax him out of money anyway. But as Bruce was trying to placate his way out of it, they explained the nature of the meeting. It was concerning what should be done with the Joker, since he was back in the Asylums care.

Bruce felt nothing but numbness at the mention of the Joker's name. But as the day for the meeting approached that numbness began to be overshadowed by anger. He never thought that someone he loved, and who claimed to love him, could do something so horrible to him. The Joker actually planned it, he wanted to kill Jason. What had Jason ever done to him to deserve dying the way he had? Bruce was mad at himself for every last time he had tried to help the Joker. All he was really doing was helping the Joker kill Jason.

By the time Bruce made it to Arkham his vision had turned red with hatred. The Joker couldn't be allowed to get away with what he had done. Besides Jason, he had also killed Gotham's district attorney. Arkham wasn't any kind of punishment to the Joker, he had too many privaledges and staff members in his pocket. No, the late D.A.'s plan needed to be carried out. The Joker needed a new competency hearing so that he could finally be sent to prison. That's where he belonged, with the rest of the murderers. It would be one thing if the Joker were crazy, but Bruce knows that he's not. The Joker knew exactly what he was doing, and exactly what would happen. He knew the concenquences, he just didn't give a damn. A second of immediate gratification made it all worth it to him.

As Bruce sat down at the conference table the Head doctor over the Asylum stand to speak. "Good morning. I asked for today's meeting because I thought it was necessary. The Joker isn't just any patient. I've read the atrocities that he's committed within these very walls. I've been over his entire file, looking for anything that could be helpful. I found lie detector tests, blood tests, MRI's, session notes, and very little of it is ever consistent. We don't know where he's from, what his name is, how old he is, or what mental illness he actually has. What we do know is his physical dimensions. We know he's got five gunshot wounds, three stab wounds, cigarette burns, self infliction scars, and several other scars from various weapons used by Batman. He's sustained about eight broken bones. We know the unique makeup of his blood and how it weakens any drugs we try to administer. The only thing we have on record that ever subdues him is shock therapy."

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