Part Twenty-Seven: Chapter 197: Reunions

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Bruce kept his head straight and his eyes on the road. Jason, on the other hand, stared at Bruce. Even in the dark he could see the white stubble amongst the darker ones. Bruce was well into his forties by now. Jason already knows that Bruce would be the bat as long as he possibly could. He wasn't like J, who planned for the future and insured that his legacy goes on. And Bruce is supposed to be the sane one. Jason thinks Bruce to be emotionally detached from people. Perhaps this, like most other things in Bruce's life, revolved around his parents.

This causes Jason to internally roll his eyes. He can't begin to tell you how many times he's heard something in regards to the 'poor pitiful parents'. Jason decided to skip the parents, even though one of them was his parent too. Instead, his mind starts to think of why Bruce hasn't avenged his death? Did his love for that murdering clown trump any love he had for Jason? Did he have any love for Jason at all? Would he if knew they were brother's?

To Jason's surprise, it's Bruce who breaks the silence. "How's your health?"

"Oh, now you ask?" Jason scowls at him, "You should have asked me that before the football tackle."

"J, I'm sorry, I just couldn't let you get away this time. I owe it to Jason," Bruce sighs.

"Owe it to Jas...what was your precious little bird to you besides a child in your shadow?" Jason turns his head and stares out the window.

"I cared a great deal for Jason. He didn't deserve to die like that. He had his whole life ahead of him and you took it. What do you expect me to do J? Pull you into my arms and whisper in your ear how I want you, need you, and love you? It's too late for that. Any feelings I had for you died with Jason." Bruce's tone never changes once.

"Does that mean no more late night booty calls?" Jason smirks. Bruce says nothing, only glances at Jason, and turns back to the road. "Well that's fine by me bat. I'm in a fairly serious relationship anyway."

"I see Dr. Quinzel has grown on you...I'm glad you aren't all alone," he says softly.

"Awe, cheer up Brucie, she just suits my lifestyle better than you do. I mean clearly, good and evil shouldn't date," Jason grins.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes J," Bruce sighs and stares blankly at the road through bloodshot eyes.

"How long has it been since you slept Bruce?" Jason is curious about the red eyes.

"It doesn't matter," Bruce flatly answers. "Just sit there and be quiet."

"Quiet? But it's still so far to Arkham. And it's been ages since we've seen one another. There's so much to get caught up on," Jason smirks.

Bruce slams on the brakes and the batmobile skids to a stop in the road. He turns to Jason, "You want to get caught up? Fine, let's get caught up then. Why don't we start with trouble you've been causing in the underworld lately? Catch me up on that J."

"That? It's nothing to concern yourself with Bruce. When dealing with criminals, you sometimes have to threaten the established pecking order to remind them that they aren't above my martial law," Jason dismissively shrugs.

Bruce looks into Jason's blue eyes. He could tell he was lying. But why? What was he trying to hide from him? "I don't believe you J," he says and cups Jason's chin. Bruce leans into Jason with his head tilted to kiss him.

Jason presses back into the seat and watches as Bruce's lips come for him. "I'm married," he quickly spits out.

Bruce's lips part in surprise, "You married Harley?" He swallows hard, "Is that because you love her? Or is it so she doesn't have to testify against you in court?"

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