Part Three: Chapter 13: Double-crossed

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Jack was constantly on edge. He feared that the phone he got from Maroni's guy would go off while he was with Falcone. If Falcone knew of his treason, he'd be a dead guy. He worried about Jeannie's safety now that he knows she's a target. He didn't like her leaving the grounds of the mansion. He didn't like letting her out of his sight. He was also very paranoid that Falcone would sense his feelings for Jeannie. He was afraid someone would notice the way they tried not to look at one another, or catch them embracing in a stolen moment.

But cutting ties with her was out of the question. She meant too much. She made Jack feel things he didn't even know he could feel. Not caring anymore just wasn't an option for Jack. He was in love, and no matter how dangerous it was, no matter how ill advised, Jack couldn't stand the thought of losing Jeannie. She wasn't just a mere infatuation. She wasn't just for a good time. To Jack, she was worth dying for.

To Carmine Falcone, Jeannie was family. His brother was doing time for him, the least he could do was see to it that his daughter is taken care of. That meant a place to live, money for college, trasnsportation, and making sure she was safe. It didn't mean that the dirty old man would keep his hands to himself, niece or no niece. She wasn't his daughter or anything. He tells himself he won't do anymore than look. And he would keep her safe.

That's why he chose Jack to watch over her very life. He trusts Jack implicitly. He's trusted him with his own life. Jack has saved him more than once. He's taken a bullet for Falcone on more than one occasion. Jack has been beaten and stabbed just to make sure that the boss was in the clear. Jack was like a very loyal dog to Falcone.

Jack is sitting in his car outside of the Falcone mansion. He's been relieved for the night. Night watch security at the mansion was now watching over the only thing that matters to him. Jack has never felt anything for another living being before. He wasn't sure if he even deserved it. Nor was he sure if he could physically take all the emotion that Jeannie brought to his heart. Once he thought himself to be heartless, but Jeannie showed him that he wasn't.

The phone in Jack's pocket vibrates. He sighs and pulls it out. The message on the screen reads: we need to meet. 109 Riverside. Ten minutes. Sal Maroni.

Jack draws in a breath and places the phone back in his pocket. He reaches up and cranks his car. The meeting place was only a few blocks from his apartment. He knew it took precisely ten minutes to get there. So he puts his car in gear. He looks up at Jeannie's window one last time and released his foot from the brake.

When Jack pulls up to the building two men with machine guns step up to his windows. Jack mentally goes over the weapons on his person and what's reachable from the driver's seat. He rolls down his window and the guy lowered the end of the gun.

"Boss'll meetcha on the top parkin level," he says in a thick Italian accent.

Jack nods and proceeds up the levels one by one. He half expects a sniper to be waiting to take him out. But when he reaches the top level he sees Salvatore Maroni standing with only two armed men. They proceed to Jack's car, guns drawn but not aimed. Jack steadied his hands on the wheel and waited for his door to be opened. He's instructed to get out of the car. As he does the other pushes him over the hood of his car and starts frisking him for weapons. When they're all confiscated he's led over to Maroni.

"Jack Napier," he gleams and looks like he's offering Jack a hug. To Jack's surprise he does hug him and gives him an awkward kiss on each cheek. Jack really hates a lot of Italian traditions. "I must say, I honestly expected you's to be older, especially when you're one of Falcone's top guys." Maroni walks a circle around Jack, examining him closely.

"Can you just tell me why I'm here?" Jack defiantly asks.

"Can you just tell me why I'm here?" Jack defiantly asks

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