Part Eight: Chapter 47: Tense

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The Joker's eyes scan Batman's handsome and perfectly flawless face. The Joker always knew bats was handsome behind that cowl. Surprisingly, Bruce didn't have a single scar. All those vicious fights with criminals and not one scar on his aesthetically pleasing face. The complete opposite of the Joker, like always. The bat had given the Joker all of his facial scars, even the white skin. The Joker had once upon a time considered himself to be a handsome man. But not anymore. Nothing that the Joker saw in the mirror made him feel attractive now. Those days were long gone.

The Joker blinks and sits up straight in his chair. He fears that he's shown bats what a sensitive topic Jeannie was. The Joker feels that the bat knows far too much about it. The Joker worried that his Batsy might try to use it as an Achilles heel against him. He wanted Batman to think that his only weakness was his unwillingness to kill him. The Joker doesn't want Batman to know just how much pain he carried inside of himself.

"Why are you so concerned with my past?" The Joker wonders aloud, "What's it matter? It doesn't change anything about our little game."

"You think this is a game for me?" Bruce's jaw clenched.

"Of course you don't see it as what it is. You see it as your misplaced duty to clean up the streets of Gotham so people like your parents can walk down the street safely. You blame yourself for my crimes, don't you?" The Joker asks with a tiny grin.

 You blame yourself for my crimes, don't you?" The Joker asks with a tiny grin

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Bruce looks down with a sigh. He slightly nods, "I should have dived into that vat after you. I could have prevented what happened to you."

The Joker stares at Bruce's caring blue eyes. "Do you think Jack Napier was a good guy or something?" He shrugs. "Jack was a hit man Bruce. A criminal. Who's to say I would be any different if I hadn't fallen into that vat?"

Bruce just looks at him with uncertainty. Maybe the Joker was right. Maybe he would have still committed all of his crimes. But maybe, just maybe he wouldn't have. Bruce feels as though he pushed the Joker over some imaginary breaking point. He thinks that without the physical appearance the Joker has now, that his crimes may have stayed at a less severe level.

"Joker..." Bruce says and looks down at the table, "I think I compounded a problematic situation. I think I broke the last bit of a man's conscience."

"Conscience?" The Joker cocks his head at Bruce. "Ha-ha-ha," he laughed, more to himself than Ioudly for Bruce. "Oh Batsy, always searching for the good in people. You just can't accept that some of us are just born bad. There has to be balance for the world to work. There has to be the negative and positive poles, daylight and darkness, water and land, summer and winter, black and white, up and down. And there must be good and evil. Sanity and insanity. We're assigned which we will be the moment we're born. Everyone can't be good like you, somebody's gotta play the bad guy. That's just the way it is. So my conscience is irrelevant. I'm not supposed to have one. It goes against being the bad guy. I don't fight what role I'm meant to play, I play it and I play it well."

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