Part Twenty-Two: Chapter 157: Hollow

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Joker's POV

I desperately needed cocaine and an entire bottle of scotch. I needed the pain in my head to go away. The Morphine they were giving me may as well have been an over the counter medication. I couldn't really tell if it was even taking the edge off. The headaches were intensified by the cold turkey withdrawal I was experiencing. I'm also experiencing some nausea, I'm not sure if it's from the withdrawal, or if it's because of how much pain I'm in. I've been shot, stabbed, beaten, and broken and never felt as much pain as I do now.

 I've been shot, stabbed, beaten, and broken and never felt as much pain as I do now

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I need out of this place. I could take care of myself far better than Arkham ever could. However, me being here had been all part of the B plan, the contingency plan, but planned all the same. What was plan A, you ask? Plan A was hoping that Bruce would finally have enough reason to kill me. But he only killed my smile. I knew they would send me here if I was caught. From here I would come up with a plan to break out. But I was finding it quite difficult to concentrate on anything but the pain. I couldn't stay focused long enough to come up with one.

I've been experiencing strange dreams, the kind that leave me wondering if they were things from my past. However, I'm not sleeping enough to finish them. They end up being just flashing imagry. The hallucinations were worse, I wasn't just seeing and holding conversations with my dead wife, now it was anyone I've ever known. I saw Jack just about every time I looked in a mirror, as if my looks had been restored to the way I used to be. But then I blink and see the real me, the clown, the murdering psychopath.

On top of everything, I missed Bruce. It seemed as if I had spent more time missing him than I did anything else. I know exactly how deeply I've hurt him. Jason was like a brother to Bruce, despite him not knowing that he really was. I wished I could tell him that I had turned Jason into an outlaw, but Bruce wasn't ready for that kind of truth. He would come after me to get Jason back, and he would win, either by overpowering me, foiling my plans, or simply me letting him win.Then he'd do everything in his power to "rehabilitate" Jason.

In the last several months I've spent a lot of time convincing Jason to take on the reigns of my operation. Jason just fit into my world more than he did Bruce's. Whether he's found his full potential yet or not, I knew he had the ability inside of him. Jason was more suited to a life of crime as opposed to crime fighting vigilante. I didn't have twist his arm, nor had I threatened him to join me. Every decision Jason made was of his own accord. I think giving him the opportunity to see my power first hand was what had seduced him.

The plan to free Jason from Bruce was anything but easy. The cadaver that was used to trick Bruce underwent a lot of preperation. It had to have minor plastic surgery to make his face an identical match. The teeth had to be altered and sculpted to match Jason's. Scars had to be accurately mimicked. I had to pay off a coroner to document that the cadavers blood type matched Jason's. Bruce had to think Jason was in that grave at Wayne Manor. It was important that he thought I killed Jason. It was the only way I could push Bruce away.

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