Part Nineteen: Chapter 140: Blame Game

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Joker's POV

I sat here under the big shade tree in my new back yard, Indian style, just staring at the tiny little mound of dirt before me. It wasn't a proper grave, and that was bugging the shit out of me. I'd been sitting here, unmoved, in this very same spot all day. I've been thinking about worms finding their way inside the towel with my son. I've seen and done a lot of disturbingly sick things in my life. But sitting here, imagining my son being slowly eaten by worms and insects, made my stomach turn. I should have put him in a box or something. I regret not doing that now. I guess I had been too in shock at the time.

Losing a child you've only held once, and never with the warmth or breath of life, shouldn't have hurt this much

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Losing a child you've only held once, and never with the warmth or breath of life, shouldn't have hurt this much. I can only imagine the way it would hurt if I had named him, held him and fed him, and watched him grow. They say its against all the laws of nature for a parent to lose a child. This was the second time that a child was taken from me. And I think it hurts more now than it did the first time. Everything happened so fast the first time. I learned about its existence and forty eight hours later it was gone. I had been so happy to hear the news. But when my wife told me about the abortion, I felt nothing but anger. She took it away from me, and to this day I still couldn't forgive her for that. Even when it was I that had vengefully taken her life.

But the circumstances were so different for me this go around. I put so much thought into having a child. He wasn't some careless mistake to have happen during the throws of passion. I actually chose to have him. I chose it even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to have a natural conception. I was hoping for a son to carry on my name sake, because the Napier name would die with me otherwise. I wanted a son to carry on the Joker's lifestyle. The idea. The legacy. I had far too much money, properties, and other assets to let the City of Gotham take it all. I wanted a son to take over my crown.

But I guess it wasn't really about just wanting an heir to inherit my assets and power. I wanted to be able to leave a part of myself behind for another reason. A reason that you can't even begin to fathom. You see, if I died tomorrow Gotham City would not only lose its greatest foe, but it would lose its beloved vigilante as well. One simply can't exist without the other. If I were dead, Bruce would grieve for me. So much so that being Batman would no longer matter to him. Without me the balance of nature would change. Everything has a polar opposite, and that's what we were to one another.

Gotham needed Batman to protect it. The cops were a fucking joke. If I kept their hands greased they literally let me get away with murder. But no one would ever buy Bruce, and the city will still need him once that I'm gone. If I left behind an heir then Bruce would have no choice but to dress up as the bat. My heir would give him a morbid curiosity that would end up in obsession. An heir would make losing me a bit more bearable for Bruce. He would love my heir in a way I never could. He would see it as an extension of me. He would see it as the last shred of me that he could cling to.

But I also wanted to leave behind a part of myself for Harley. She loved me in a way no one else could, not even Bruce. Bruce loved Jack and wanted me to be Jack. But Harley loved me as the Joker. She's never tried to change me the way that Bruce always tries to. When I die I'm worried about what will become of Harley. I didn't want her to end up rotting away in some prison. I wanted to leave behind a child for her because it was the only thing I could give her that would be a reason to get out of bed every day.

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