Part Nine: Chapter 54: Drawingboard

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The Joker stood in his lab playing around with different formulas for his special Joker Venom. He had to get his laugh back.

Since kissing the bat his life had become dark and lonely

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Since kissing the bat his life had become dark and lonely. He knows the only way to get his laugh back is to make the entire city laugh with him. So he decided to poison the Gotham water supply. Just as soon as he got the formula accurate. This version wasn't as strong as the one he used in grenades. That one was lethal. Why would he want to kill his public, his audience? No, he just wanted to give everyone a laugh so that he could laugh with them.

But of course, he needed test subjects. So he selected a few henchmen who had recently forgotten who was in charge. The first laughed himself to death and died with a rigorous grin plastered on his face. So the Joker weakened the formula. The second only smiled. He didn't die. But a smile wasn't enough. So the Joker increased the formula. The third guy had an onset massive heart attack. So the Joker went to work with adding chemicals and reducing chemicals and adding and reducing. The fourth guy laughed, but he also went mad. So the Joker started from scratch on a new formula. The fifth guy gave the Joker what he was looking for. He laughed and joked for four hours then went back to normal.

So the Joker had the right formula, but getting the dosage just right in the water supply was another story. So he came up with a computer simulation that would hopefully project the correct amount needed. He ran simulation after simulation, only for them the fail in the end. After sixteen straight hours the Joker destroyed his laptop in frustration. So he had to send someone out to buy or steal him a new one. Two hours later he was back to running simulations. It's currently been four days, and naturally the Joker hasn't slept.

The Joker runs his hand over the top of his head, slicking his hair back. His eyes ached and burned from staring at a computer screen for four days. They had also started playing tricks on him. He kept seeing dark shadows in his peripheral vision. At times objects seemed to shift and twitch. Then of course there were spots, both black and white. There was foggy and hazy moments that left everything looking smokey. When you've been awake this long it's almost as if you're on speed. The downside is that your brain starts to become unreliable. It was as if everything became a delayed reaction. And you can forget about deep thoughts. You become like a machine running on axillary power for only basic vital operations. Breathe in, breathe out.

The Joker growls and balls his fist. He fights the urge to throw the laptop across the room and then stomp on it until he can see it's guts. But that would only set him back. He couldn't throw another tantrum. He needed to laugh. He couldn't keep moping around in a haze of confusion and depression. That's not who the Joker was. And the voice in his head was happy to keep reminding him of that. The Joker was feeling feelings that he vowed to never feel again. The Joker wasn't supposed to feel. He was above feelings because feelings were dangerous. You can't be a hardened criminal if you have feelings. Feelings were a weakness, a weakness the Joker wasn't supposed to possess.

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