Part Thirteen: Chapter 74: Gotcha

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Bruce Wayne spent the next several months training Jason. The Joker's little game had made it painfully obvious that Jason wasn't ready. Not by a long shot. He needed to learn to harness his emotions. He must learn to release his rage in combat only. Jason was young, younger than Dick had been. Maybe he was too young. But if the boy wasn't with Bruce he would be on the streets turning into a criminal. Bruce helped Jason for semi-selfish reasons. The child did remind him of the Joker.

Bruce sat at his desk in the batcave. He had been searching for the Joker's hide out But couldn't find a trace of the Clown Prince. The Joker was obviously good at hiding out. He had hid for an entire year. But now he was back. Bruce's fingers trace an envelope laying in front of him. It arrived on his front door step that morning. The handwriting was unmistakably the Joker's. Bruce checked it through Xray and it appeared to be safe to open.

But Bruce hadn't been able to open it all day. He had a sense of foreboding. He knew it would not be good. It was probably the start of one of the Joker's games. Yet, Bruce was obligated to find out. Lives could be in danger. Bruce opened the envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Stuck to it was a picture that made Bruce's heart sink.

 Stuck to it was a picture that made Bruce's heart sink

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Beneath it it simply read. "Now I own you Bruce. -J."

He couldn't believe it, the Joker was blackmailing him. He knew that the Joker was going to want something from him. And it wouldn't be something small. Bruce knows that the Joker would let the picture go public if he didn't cater to his demands. There was no telling how many copies the Joker has made of the picture. Bruce could tell it has been taken from the Joker's survalence footage.

Bruce felt sick to his stomach. He knew that whatever the Joker wanted from him was most likely illegal. And Bruce knew that the Joker would keep him in a string. Bruce had to find all those pictures and destroy them. The Joker would ruin him if that picture went public and he knew it. That was in the Joker's power. He was definitely conniving enough for such. Anger began boiling deep in Bruce's core.

Still, Bruce can only manage a sigh as he runs a hand through his dark hair. He couldn't stop looking at that damn picture. The experience was still so vivid in his mind. He runs his fingertip across the Joker's green hair. No matter how much he tried to forget everything that occurred on the day of their first kiss, he simply couldn't. Bruce still remembered that look of confusion, doubt, and need that had been in the Joker's eyes that day just before that first kiss.

 Bruce still remembered that look of confusion, doubt, and need that had been in the Joker's eyes that day just before that first kiss

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