Part Eight: Chapter 49: Need

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The closer the Joker got to home the harder his foot hit the accelerator and the higher his hand moved up Ivy's thigh. When the two of them catch each other's eyes Ivy can see the lust in the Joker's. Pure carnal need. Poison Ivy only smirks, knowing that she can't deny how much she wanted the Joker right now. Still, its fun for her to pretend she actually has some power over him, though she realizes she has none. The man was insatiable.

"Uh, where are we going? We passed my place," Nygma says.

"My place," the Joker says lowly.

"Oooh, your place. This should be quite interesting," Crane chimes in.

"If you hump my shit I'll shoot you," the Joker growls looking at Crane in the rearview mirror. The Joker believes that Crane's little infatuation with him borders on the slightly predanatural. Crane just smiles and stares out the window.

When the Joker pulls into his mansion his men are rather surprised to see the boss. They open the gate and the Joker drives up to the house. Frost was standing there on the front porch. He watched as his boss casually strolled up the front walk. Ivy at his heels followed by Crane and Nygma.

The Joker approached Frost and looked at him, slightly cocking his head. Frost swallows hard because nobody knows that look better than he does. The Joker punches Frost. Hard. Frost cups his jaw and waits for more.

The Joker takes a step closer and leans into his ear and whispers, "Next time you better bust me out before I have the chance to bust myself out. Are we clear?"

"Yes boss," Frost nods.

"Good. Now clear the house. Everybody outside tonight. Everybody's getting punished," the Joker lamanates his words with his wrist. "Crane. Nygma. I appreciate your efforts. Someone will drive you wherever you wish to go. Goodnight," he says with a smile.

The Joker takes Ivy by the wrist and leads her inside the mansion. Frost comes in behind them clearing out the house like the boss said. The Joker and Ivy ascend the grand staircase and down the hall. The Joker stops at his bedroom door, a room Ivy knows quite well.

The Joker let's go of her wrist once inside. He goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower. When he comes back out he is shirtless and his tattoos flex across his washboard abs. Ivy really loved his tattoos. They were actually pretty strictigically placed to accentuate his perfect muscular frame. He was sexy.

He walks straight over to Ivy and siezes her lips, taking her by surprise. She can hear the Joker groan into her throat. Ivy wraps her arms around his neck and jumps up on him, wrapping her legs around him. The Joker grabs her by the ass and walks into the bathroom.

Ivy stands and the Joker quickly starts pulling her Arkham top over her head. His tounge quickly flicks over her nipple. Ivy's fingers slide into his green hair. The Joker licks his way up her throat and licks her bottom lip. He backs away and pushes the Arkham pants off his hips. Ivy shimmies out of her own.

"Ladies first," the Joker motions to the shower with his head.

Ivy steps into the shower, letting the spray go across her breasts and shoulders. The Joker is quickly pressed into her from behind. His hands sliding across her wet voluptuous breasts. His lips trail kisses across her shoulder and up her neck. And Ivy moans out, music to the Joker's ears.

The Joker's hand reaches out and grabs a sponge. His other squeezed out some body wash. Ivy has gone home smelling of a man's body wash almost as many times as the Joker has gone home smelling flowery and light. Neither actually minds. The Joker's soapy hand runs the sponge down the front of Ivy and across her thighs. Ivy's own hand goes over his and guides it between her legs.

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