Part Seventeen: Chapter 125: Old Score

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The Joker stood on a platform, glaring down at his clowns with absolute contempt.

He's angry with them for letting Dr

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He's angry with them for letting Dr. Arkham get away. I think we all know that the Joker had the philosophy that failure was unacceptable. His wide eyes, fuled by cocaine, scans each face. They weren't all guilty of failure, but the Joker liked the innocent to witness the punishing. It kept them fearful of making mistakes, because no one could punish like Joker.

"Frosty," the Joker looks to him as he stood close by, "Who are the incompetent morons that failed me? Bring them forward."

Frost gave a slight nod to Ace as he approached the crowd of clowns. Frost and Ace work through the crowd for the three goons that were responsible. Each grabs a man, dragging them to the front before a very very angry Joker. They screamed and thrashed around and bartered for their lives. Frost and Ace shoved them down on their knees in front of the boss.The Joker stares at them with a blank expression. But it wasn't the expression on the Joker's face that they feared most, it was his silence.

The Joker's keen eyes catch a man in the back quietly trying to excuse himself. But the Joker wasn't going to allow it. He quickly pulls his gun from the holster and thrusts it out in front of him. All of his clowns parted like the Red Sea, ducking and covering their heads. Praying that he wasn't pointing that thing at them. The Joker knows that the only reason the man is trying to leave is because he's guilty. So the Joker squeezes the trigger. The man in the back wouldn't be sneaking out anymore.

"Coward," the Joker rolls his eyes and puts his gun away. "Wheel in the tray," he commands Frost.

Frost only disappeared for just a minute, but to the two men on their knees, it was an eternity. It was a death march. Frost returns pushing a doctor's tray. The poor, soon to be dead clowns, knew exactly what the tray was. They too have witnessed the methods of the Joker's torture techniques.

The Joker casually walks over to the tray. He pulls off his jacket and drapes it over the end of it. He removes his cufflinks and sits them on the tray. Then he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. The Joker knew that the longer he drew out the prelude, the more the men would stew in their fear. The Joker definitely liked that. He then starts removing his watch and rings. Trying to get the blood off them was a bitch. He replaces the rings with brass knuckles.

Finally the Joker stands before the two men on their knees. Frost and Ace stand behind each man to restrain them. If you don't tie them up to start with, they always try to run. But that's what the Joker wanted. It would give him a reason to torture them even more.

"Now then," The Joker starts, "Tell me where it all went wrong?" The men remain silent, tears flowing out of them. "Oh, so now we're playing the quiet game? Hum?"

He rares back his hand with the brass knuckles and punches one of them in the mouth. Blood sprayed up the Joker's shirt. The man spit out teeth fragments and blood onto the floor of the warehouse. The Joker then turned his attention to the other man who was already trying to shield the inevitable blow.

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