Part Seventeen: Chapter 121: Amends

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Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini pulled up to the curb in front of the GCPD. His sharp eyes instantly go to the shadowed figure of Jason coming down the steps toward him. He wasn't limping. He wasn't moving awkwardly at all. Bruce can't see his face well enough to see if there's any damage. He's hoping there isn't. He hates to think that J would do something like that.

Jason opens the door and gets in. Bruce can see a reddening to his cheek. Bruce's hand instantly goes to Jason's cheek. Someone had definitely hit him. "Did they hurt you?"

Jason moves away from Bruce's touch as he rolled his eyes, "Nah, not really."

"Then what is this?" Bruce asks, knowing that Jason was lying.

"I insulted his highness one too many times I guess," Jason shrugs. "It's nothing, he just slapped me once."

"That was foolish of you Jason," Bruce says

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"That was foolish of you Jason," Bruce says.

Jason couldn't miss his disappointment if he tried. Bruce was always telling him that he needed to get a handle on his impulse control. Bruce often said he was reckless. But Jason doesn't think he's impulsive, he thinks Bruce is emotionally retarded. The guy almost never smiled. He never shared stories. He never connected with anyone. He never dates. He never sleeps. He never did anything fun.

Bruce starts to drive. Jason remained quite and stared out the window. "Did he make any threats? Any demands?" Bruce asks him.

"Nope," Jason says, still staring out into the darkness.

"He didn't mention anything at all that hints to crime?" Bruce wonders.

Jason sighed, "No."

Bruce drove. He couldn't help but get the feeling that Jason was mad at him. So Bruce's mind started going into overtime. Was Jason mad that Batman didn't rescue him? He felt that he had no choice. The Joker doesn't make idle threats, not even to him. He couldn't take a chance like that. Couldn't Jason understand that? But then, what if it wasn't that? What if Jason was upset about something that happened while J had him?

Bruce slightly clears his throat, "So then...what did the Joker want from you?"

""I don't know, maybe he was lonely. Maybe he was bored. Or maybe he wanted to tell me something. Something like, 'Bruce has kept secrets from you'."

Bruce's eyes cut over to Jason, "What secrets?" Bruce could feel himself sweeping with anxiety. He hasn't a clue what the Joker might have told him. Did he tell Jason about them?

"That the two people I called mom and dad weren't even my real parents!!" Jason shouts thrusting an accusatory finger at Bruce.

Bruce looks at the road and silently cursed to himself. How the hell did the Joker even know something like that? Bruce has to make Jason understand. "You'd been through so much Jason. I couldn't add more trauma to your life. I was going to tell you when I thought you were ready," Bruce feebly replied.

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