Part Twenty-Six: Chapter 192: Procured

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Frost arrived in Chicago at 4:00 am. Simon greeted him at the airport and supplied him with a gun. Simon hadn't traveled to Chicago by plane, precisely for the weapons factor. The two had just enough time to make it to the doctor's posh neighborhood. They stashed their vehicle and climbed the gate that required a code. Creeping through the shadows they go to the location which Simon thought would be the best place to nab the doctor on his predawn jog. It was by a small bridge over a creek. It was a vantage point that was farthest away from the houses.

The two hide beneath she small bridge and wait for the doctor to come jogging by. Each stood ready with a tazer to stun the doctor. It wouldn't make a sound and the doctor wouldn't be able to scream. They had only one chance to make this work. They wouldn't be able to take the doctor anywhere else without making a big scene and having the police complicate things. Cloaked in black the two patiently wait for their mark.

Finally they see the reflective Nike emblem on his shoes sparkle in the street lights. When he jogs past them they run out from under the bridge. The hooks from Simon's tazer go into the doctor's back, causing him to fall to the ground. Frost rushes to the doctor and Simon let's go of the tazers trigger. He stands, ready to zap the doctor again if necessary as Frost quickly slaps tape over his mouth and cuffs his hands behind his back.

Frost pulls the doctor to his feet. "Don't try anything stupid. Do as we say and you just might live through this to see your wife Anna, and your children, Jacob and Anita," Frost says to the wide eyed doctor. "Nod if you understand." The doctor quickly nods. "Good. Now you're going to walk to the front entrance of your neighborhood. There's tazer hooks lodged into your skin, don't try to run. Do you understand?" Again the doctor complies with a nod. "Walk," Frost says as he draws and cocks his gun.

They make it back to the car. Frost opens the back door and shoves the doctor in. Simon drops the tazer through to the front seat and gets behind the wheel while Frost holds a gun on the doctor. Simon grabs the tazer and Frost slams the back door shut. The child locks were engaged so the doctor couldn't get out. He gets into the passenger seat and turns to the doctor, his gun pointed in his face.

"Lay down and don't move. We know we're you live. There's an armed man outside. If you get up I'll have no choice to but to place a call to him, then your family will pay for your mistake. Am I clear?"

The doctor quickly nods and lays down on the back seat. He believes his family is in danger and that any deviation to their demands would get them killed. Frost takes the tazer from Simon and keeps his eye on the doctor as Simon starts to drive. They would both be returning to Gotham in the car with the doctor.

When they get well outside of the city, as the sun was rising, Frost looked back at the doctor and ripped the tape from his mouth. This is the first clear look that Frost has. All he saw was Jack Napier. There was no doubt that the doctor was his identical twin brother.

"My wallet is in my pocket. It's yours. I won't go to the cops. I promise. You can just let me out and we can go our separate ways," the doctor tries to negotiate, his voice an exact match to the Joker's.

"We aren't after your money Dr. Smith," Frost says.

"Whatever it is that you want we can find a way to negotiate," the doctor stares at the gun.

"Whatever it is that you want we can find a way to negotiate," the doctor stares at the gun

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* J *Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang