Part Fifteen: Chapter 111: Results

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Bruce stood with Alfred and Jason, staring at his father's disturbed grave. The grave appeared to have been unearthed, then covered once more. Who could have done this? Why would someone do it in the first place? Bruce did several scans to see if someone had stolen his father's body. But he found that the body was still in the coffin. Was it grave robbers looking for jewelry or something?

"Why would somebody do this Alfred?" Bruce softly asks, eyes glued to the headstones of his parents.

"Why would somebody do this Alfred?" Bruce softly asks, eyes glued to the headstones of his parents

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"I don't know master Bruce," Alfred shakes his head.

"Obviously the person who did it was a sicko," Jason chimes in.

"I'm afraid the only way to get answers is to exhume the body," Alfred tells Bruce.

Bruce's eyes shut and he draws in a breath. "I don't think I can examine my father's corpse," he shakes his head.

"I'll do it," Jason shrugs.

"Master Jason, are you sure you can do that?" Alfred quirks an eyebrow at the teen.

Jason shrugged again, "Yeah, why not?"

Neither Bruce nor Alfred felt that Jason needed to be burdened by such. It wasn't like his father's dead body was some mummy to analyze. It had been almost twenty years ago that his father had been buried. It takes an embalmed body about twelve years before it starts to decay. Therefore, his father's body would be half decayed. A child didn't need to see that, no matter how brave he was.

"Not many have a stomach for that sort of thing," Bruce tells him.

Jason wanted to help Bruce. It wasn't like he had never seen a dead body before. "Well, it's not like your old man is going to jump up and kill me."

Bruce gives him an awkward look. He knew Jason had more courage than he did benevolence. He appreciates Jason's offer. However, he found himself in a very difficult situation. Bruce knew that Jason could possibly miss clues. The child was great at combat, but his detective skills still needed work. Bruce didn't want to see his father's decaying body, much less inspect it. But he knew he had to.

"Alfred, please call someone that exhumes bodies."

Alfred nods and turns to head back to the house. Bruce stood chewing on his thumbnail. His mind was everywhere as he tried to think of who could have done this. More so, why would someone do it? What did the culprit gain from it? Was it Satanists? Was it drug fiends hoping to get valuables to pawn for drugs? That couldn't have been the case if it was they would have dug up his mother. Women wear more jewelry than men. None of it made sense.

"Did your old man have any enemies?" Jason asks Bruce.

"No. He was a beloved figure. He was a good man and he tried to Gotham a better place. A place where children didn't have to see their parents be killed," he says distantly.

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