Part Nine: Chapter 55: Pride

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Joker's POV

It was the pounding in my head that began to draw me back to consciousness. Then I realized that I was in a vehicle and moving. My hands were bound behind my back. I raise my throbbing head just slightly and open my eyes. I was in the goddamned batmobile. Great. Just great. I don't suppose I have to guess where he's taking me? Did he really expect me to give up that easily? Did he think I would just tuck my tail between my legs and obediently walk up the front steps to Arkham? Did he really think that was all the fight I had in me?

I quickly start sliding my bound wrists under my ass and pull my knees up to my chest, my hands now bound in front of me. The bat looks my direction, but before he can react I have my bound arms thrown over his neck. I know I can't choke him because of his stupid suit, but I could cause him to wreck his very expensive toy. Then I might very well be able to get out and make a run for it. I had to try, because I'm not going back to Arkham Asylum.

The batmobile loses control as Bruce starts to struggle with me. "You're going to wreck us! Stop," he growls at me and struggles to drive.

"That's the plan Batsy! You should already know that I hold very little regard for my own mortality! Perhaps you should pull over if you value your own," I say and do my best to obstruct his vision.

"You won't kill me," I hear him saying.

"Maybe not, but I never said I wouldn't make you kill yourself in this contraption of yours. And by doing that you also most likely kill me, thereby breaking your one precious rule. So I suggest that you pull the fuck over," I growl in the struggle.

Just then he slams on the brakes and ducks his head. My body slams into the dash, and my arms are freed from around his neck. He quickly grabs the center of my restraints. So I somehow maneuver my body to give him a blow to the head with my left leg. He lets go of the restraints and I quickly lunge for the passenger door handle. I quickly open the door, but before I could get out bats grabbed me by my belt and pulled me back hard. I fell into his lap and my back slammed into his chest. His strong arms come around me and grab my bound wrists. It actually felt more like an embrace.

"Joker," he breathed in my ear, "I have no choice but to take you there. Believe me, I don't want to. But you poisoned thousands, maybe even millions. They won't find you competent to stand trial because of all the times you've gotten off for insanity. The only way to get the ruling changed is to have the D.A. hold an entirely new competency hearing. The prisons are over crowded and under-staffed. Arkham isn't. Therefore the state is just going to let you stay as Arkham's problem," he attempts to tell me as I wiggle in his grip.

"You don't know what they do there!" I scream and flay as much as I could in his empowering arms.

"You don't know what they do there!" I scream and flay as much as I could in his empowering arms

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"Tell me, and I can see to it that things change," he struggles with me.

"Your money and your power means nothing to them," I hiss, my entire body going rigid in his unbreakable grasp. I throw my head back, trying to headbutt Bruce, but I only manage to compound my headache. Even geniuses make mistakes sometimes, so keep your smart remarks to yourselves.

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