Part Twenty-Five: Chapter 184: Moving Forward

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When they returned to the penthouse Harley marched off to her and the Joker's bedroom and slammed the door. Ivy appeared as Jason was taking off his jacket. J's purple gun holster then tumbled off his shoulder. He looks up and smiles at Ivy. She could tell something had happened from Harley slamming the door.

"Everything ok?" She asks Jason.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with my dear." Jason tells her as he pours himself a glass of Scotch. "Care for a nightcap?" He politely asks. Ivy shrugs and steps down into the living room with Jason. He smiles and pours her a drink. He hands it to her and motions to the couch for her to sit. "How's the research coming?" Jason asks as he plops down on the couch next to Ivy.

"No new developments," she sighs.

"Pity," Jason says and looks down at the drink in his hand. He twirls the ice cubes around just as J had always done. "You gotta ask yourself, at what point does it all become futile? Every day J lies in a coma his brain function depletes. There must be a point of no return for the guy."

"I like to think he's still fighting," Ivy says softly and sips her drink.

"Yes. Of course, we all do," he nods. "Sometimes it's hard to remember that he's merely human. Eventually we're gonna have to let him go. I worry for Harley when that happens. She's obviously not ready to let him go." Jason digs in his pocket and pulls out a bag of coke. He opens it and dumps some out on the coffee table. "Want some?" He offers Ivy.

"No," she shakes her head and watches him vaccume it up with his nose.

"So," Jason says as he wipes his nose, "you used to fuck J, right?"

"What?" Ivy cuts her eyes over at him.

"I'm just asking. I have a part to play, I'm just trying to get it right," he smirks at her. He casually scoots closer to her. "I'm aware of your powers. Must be hard to not be able to sleep with somebody without killing them. But, like J, I'm immune to you."

Ivy raises a brow, "Just what are you insuating?"

Jason shrugs, "I was just offering my services to you. Any time you need some dick, I'm down."

A split second later Ivy was slapping Jason as hard as she possibly could. Jason let's out a guttural growl and narrows his eyes at her. Ivy knew she screwed up. She didn't know Jason well enough to speculate his actions. Jason quickly stands and faces her. Ivy's green eyes look up at him. His hand flies out and he hits Ivy hard. She gasps as her hand goes to her face.

"You bitch," Jason pants as he touches his lip to find that it's busted. "You might have gotten away with that shit with J, but I'm not my brother. You lay one more finger on me, ever..." He growls and sweeps his green hair back. "Just try me Ivy," he points a finger at her then storms from the room. Ivy could hear the office door slamming shut.

Frost gently touches Ivy's shoulder, "You ok?" He asks Ivy under his breath.

"I'm fine," she nods as she looks down. "The power is going to his head already."

"I guess Mr. J didn't factor that possibility in," Frost shrugs.

Ivy says nothing, she just gets up and walks off to talk with Harley. She lightly knocks at the door and turns the knob. Inside she finds Harley looking over the machines that were giving fake readings. Clayface lay in the bed looking just like J. Jason would never be able to tell a difference.

Harley looks at Ivy. "Why's yer face all red?" She asks and turns to face Ivy.

"The little bastard pissed me off. So I hit him. Then he hit me back. It's nothing. I'll be ok," Ivy nods and slides her fingers between Harley's. Ivy leans in, as to kiss Harley.

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