Part Twenty-Six: Chapter 194: Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

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Jason had depleted his supply of cocaine. The new shipment wasn't due to come in for another two weeks. His addiction wouldn't let him go that long without it. He had never planned to get hooked. Now he understood how J had become addicted. Turns out it wasn't very hard to. Bruce would have never allowed Jason to become addicted to cocaine. But then, Bruce would have never let Jason out of his shadow. He would forever be seen as the sidekick, as the boy wonder. Jason was far too ambitious to be second fiddle.

But part of his success involved cocaine. He needed it to keep him alert, and his mind sharp. It gave him that added bravery to be unpredictable like the Joker was. Admittedly, the job was a lot harder than Jason thought it would be. The Joker had a lot of obligations and responsibilities. Jason felt a man of the Joker's power shouldn't answer to anyone. Jason didn't mind catering to Harley, as she was his 'wife'. But Frost, Ace, and the rest of the clowns, he didn't owe them shit.

He needed cocaine. The Joker is aware of all criminal actions and operations that happen in Gotham. Therefore, Jason knows the most recent shipment of cocaine went into the possession of El Diablo's gang, whose territory lie in the east side of Gotham. From working with Batman, Jason knows about El Diablo's metahuman powers. El Diablo wasn't someone that you wanted to fuck with. Jason knew El Diablo would kill him if he stole from him. He wasn't like the Irish who had to plan a course of action. El Diablo would come at him like a tornado of fire. And nothing or no one could stop him. Jason would have to conceal his identity. El Diablo could never know.

Jason only needed one other person to watch his back. But he didn't want anyone to know. It was to be his secret. And there was only one person he could tell his secrets to, and that was Harley. She would help him steal the coke and never tell a soul. She already knew what he'd do to her if she pissed him off. So she was perfect for the job. All she had to do was cover him. He had faith in her.

Jason decided to hit the location where they cut the coke and package it for sale. El Diablo wouldn't be there, making Jason's plan easier. Jason wanted the uncut stuff, and that was the only place that had it. So he found a couple of ski masks and some guns that hadn't been Jokerfied. Plain, boring, and yet lethal. Then he clued Harley in on the plan. She was in, because she knew she had no other choice. She wanted no part in his plan. Her Mistah J would have never done this. It was only going to stir shit up and cause gang wars.

Harley sat in one of Mistah J's cars. She stared blankly at the apartment with a sense of foreboding. She in no way wanted to be a part of this. She had to appear to be having a good time. She had to be his bubbly little Jester. His partner in crime. His eternally faithful wife. So far, Harley's managed to play her role expertly. When Jason is on top of her she pretends to enjoy it. She purrs and moans to the rooftops. She fakes her orgasms every time. And the kid doesn't even realize it.

Jason turns to Harley with a big silver smile, "Ok baby, you ready?"

Harley slides the ski mask on her head down over her face, "Let's do it."

Jason puts on his ski mask and gets out of the car. He carefully checks their surroundings, this was a rough neighborhood. The kind of neighborhood where everyone was strapped, even the kids. Jason grew up in a neighborhood like this, so he's no stranger to rough neighborhoods. Living in a place like this had taught him survivalism. And he's surprisingly thankful for that.

They enter the building cautiously, knowing they couldn't be seen in their ski masks. They find the stairs and start up them, the elevator was far too risky. They go up five flights and exit the stairwell. They pull their guns and press themselves against the wall. They slowly start making their way down the long hallway. Jason finally stops outside of a door. Apartment 576.

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