Part Fourteen: Chapter 98: Time Is Up

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The Joker cracked opened his eyes. The room was dim. He was thankful for that. He had an excruciating head ache. He could feel his aching brain pounding in his ears. His entire body felt heavy. Every muscle in his body felt weak and nimble, as if they wouldn't work if he needed them to. He could feel a hand holding his. He slowly turns his head to see Dr. Quinzel. She instantly smiles and stands up.

"Welcome back Mistah J," she said as she hovered over him. She gives him a sweet little kiss.

The Joker let's out a moan and his eyes shift to the ceiling

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The Joker let's out a moan and his eyes shift to the ceiling. He couldn't seem to lasso a single thought. It felt like being re-booted. It was complete confusion. Darkness. The memories flashed through his mind, but the Joker didn't know what order they went in. They were glimpses of his life, his past. People he couldn't place. Crimes he doesn't remember committing. Lovers that only have faces, but no names. Enemies that wanted him dead. The look of death in a person's eyes. Everything was chaos.

"Mistah J?" Dr. Quinzel squeezed his hand, trying to get his attention.

He turns his head to look at her. His face was completely blank. It was as if the lights were on and nobody was at home. His eyes were completely vacant. Then, in a split second instance, he blinked and his pupils spread wife. He growled and started to pull and struggle against his restraints. His gaze locks on Dr. Quinzel and she can see the rage in his eyes. His veins were popping underneath them from the strain he put on the restraints.

Dr. Quinzel puts a hand to his chest, "Calm down, it's ova Mistah J. Ya need ta take it easy. Come on, just lay back."

The Joker's body began to relax. He lay back, panting and staring at the ceiling. His mind felt like a deck of scattered cards. He saw flashes of things that he couldn't remember. A woman. Light brown hair. Blue eyes. She was laughing. "You're such a clown Jack." Who was she? The flash of imagry made his stomach drop. For some reason, the nameless woman gives him feelings of doubt and pain.

There was a man, who smoked cigarettes. Brown hair, hazel eyes. He was angry. He was very intoxicated, thereby creating his misplaced anger. The Joker knew he wanted to hurt him. The Joker could remember his fear. He remembered his hatred for the man. Was he an enemy of the Joker? Was he from some forgotten past?

Then he remembered a beautiful naked woman. Her skin was tinged green. She had lust in her eyes. The Joker began remembering other memories with her. Then he remembered the woman helping. She had metahuman capabilities. Plants. Conditions. Her name was Ivy. She belonged to him. He remembers that the beauty was bisexual, which obviously didn't bother him. The memories of her were candid.

"Mistah J? Can ya hear me? Can ya respond?" Dr. Quinzel asks as she shines a pen light in his eyes.

The Joker blinks a few times trying to break away from the twisted mess of flashing memories in his head. His eyes meet with Dr. Quinzel's. He could see genuine concern across her face. Then he remembered having sex with her. He remembers that he told her things he had never uttered to anyone else. Something about her seemed necessary. He admired her ability to get inside of his head, but he hated her for it.

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