Part Eighteen: Chapter 128: Discovery

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When the SWAT van reached central lock-up it looked as if half the city had turned up and gathered around to see a glimpse of the infamous Joker. His recent spree of killing all the psychiatrists had affected many. Lots of people are in therapy. Or they have been at one time. Others know someone who is, or was in therapy. And I'm sure we all know someone who should be in therapy. But of course both Bruce and the Joker know how it is to be a celebrity. Cameras. Microphones. Pens for autographs. Pushing. Shoving. Grabbing.

And that's what the Joker was expecting. But as soon as the doors opened the people could be heard...Booooo...then they began throwing things, aiming solely for the Joker. The cops escorting him were merely casualties of war. Bruce walked behind them, and even he had to dodge flying objects. Usually when the cops bring in the Joker there's just his twisted fans. Therefore, the Joker's green mile was usually a bit brighter. We all know how the Joker wants to be the star of the show.

When they made it into the building the Joker looked filthy and ratty. And to make matters even worse, some cop comes up to him and spits in his face. This made the Joker very very mad. He lunged for the cop and head butt him. He had the chance however to spit in his face too before he was wrangled under control again. As they shoved and dragged him along the cops all yelled in his face. They yelled about dead cops, or how much they hated him, or wanted to see him fry.

They drug him into booking. Which normally consists of getting fingerprints, but the Joker doesn't have any. He had burned them off a long long time ago, when he had first become a hit man. So the cops go straight to the mug shots and pictures of every one of his tattoos. The Joker just growls lowly, not happy that pictures are being taken and he's not presentable for them.

Bruce stands silently and watches everything closely. He knows that when he leaves that the cops were going to abuse the Joker in any way they see fit. They know he can't do anything about it when he's locked up. And Bruce could do nothing. He couldn't handcuff himself to the Joker so he could stay at his side. For a split second Bruce even entertains the idea of breaking the Joker out. But Batman couldn't do that. Eventually Bruce would have to leave. He knows the Joker can take a lot. He knows the Joker is smarter than everyone present. The Joker ran the criminal underground, cops were nothing compared to that. Bruce knew the Joker would be fine. However, he's not so sure about himself.

The Joker's eyes meet with Bruce's. Bruce expected to see anger. He expected laughing. He thought there would be bad jokes. Death threats even. But none of that flashes in the Joker's eyes. His eyes were vacant and hollow, like a shark. The expression on his face was just blank. That worried Bruce. Normally the Joker would be having the time of his life right about now. But he seemed distant and distracted. Bruce could just tell that something wasn't right.

Then Bruce watched and followed as the police start to take him to a cell. He can hear the Joker making a comment about needing something for a headache. He said his head had never hurt this bad before. Right after that his legs went out from under him. The cops think that it's a prank. They pull him up but his body is like a rag doll. They slap him and shake him, but the Joker never moves or reacts.

Bruce pushes his way through the cops and falls to his knees next to the Joker. His ear instantly goes to his chest. His heart was beating normal. Bruce watched for the rise and fall of his chest, which was also normal. Bruce tells the cops to call an ambulance. This wasn't normal. He said his head hurt. Then he fell unconscious. What if it was an aneurysm?

 What if it was an aneurysm?

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