Part Thirteen: Chapter 82: Ill Advised

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Bruce sat in a chair near the glass of the Joker's cell. The Joker had been restless and moody. Bruce knew he was bored so he was reading to the Clown Prince. Surprisingly, the Joker seemed to really be enjoying it. He sat attentively, taking everything in with the enthusiasm of a child. In fact, the Joker cherished the companionship more than anything. He's been cooped up in his glass prison cell far too long. As I'm sure you know, distraction is the only way to make time pass by faster. So being read to was a very nice and extremely thoughtful gift. Jack had always loved to read, and the Joker sits patiently, mesmerized by his bat.

Eventually Bruce's mouth and throat went dry and he found a stopping point in the book. He lays it down with a sigh and picks up a glass of water. He takes a drink and his eyes fall on the Joker. Bruce marveled at the polar opposite personalities in the Joker's mind. One was a perfect partner, kind, caring, gentle and sweet. But the second one was the Antichrist. Bruce could sometimes see J struggling with them. Bruce suspects that the Joker tries to control them. But sometimes the Joker can't control them. And in the presence of Batman the Joker found it difficult to control anything, even the smallest tasks.

Bruce cocks his head and stares at the Joker. "J, do you have any happy memories? You know from when you were growing up?"

The Joker runs his hand over the top of his head. He thinks hard about it. There was maybe three, but the Joker had no interest in telling Bruce what they were. Telling Bruce would be bonding with him. The Joker knows he can't do that, he was supposed to be pushing Bruce away. "Not anymore...they were zapped when they shocked me on the highest setting. Lots of small things are gone."

"Like what?" Bruce asks.

"Like my birthday. I know it's in the spring, but the date no longer exists in my head. So I've designated April Fools day as my birthday. It seems befitting," the Joker tells him.

Bruce gives a faint grin, "That it does."

"I used to keep a notebook. I wrote important things down. Whenever I forgot I could get the answers back. But the Joker destroyed it. Those were my memories and the Joker obliterated them because he wanted to start anew."

Bruce's eyebrows scrunch, "I'm talking to Jack, aren't I?"

A sly smile spreads across the Joker's face, "Very observant bat, you really are the greatest detective."

"Where does Joker go when it's you?" Bruce asks.

"He lets me out when nothing important is going on," he shrugs and looks down.

Bruce took a moment to absorb all of the information the Joker...Jack just gave him. "Can you force your way out when you want?" Bruce enquired with the utmost curiosity.

"No the Joker makes all the calls," He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"But the Joker is in your head. He's not real. You're the one that's real," Bruce leans forward.

"That doesn't matter to the Joker. He's much stronger than I am. In essence, he is my strength."

"Where does he go when you're here?" Bruce asks.

"Joker? He sleeps. I'm sure you already know that he doesn't do that very often. I don't know how long he's been asleep, but it's been a while. Joker should be waking soon. Joker thinks I'm fragile and problematic. I suppose I am," he shrugs.

"Why is that?" Bruce wonders.

"Because I feel. My feelings get in the way of things, things like goals, and mostly, the Joker's plans," he tells Bruce.

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