Part Fifteen: Chapter 105: An All Around Education

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Harley's POV

I could feel my skin going across the pavement like cheese on a grater. I could feel the stinging and burning as my body rolled to a stop in a heap. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched Mistah J's tail lights get further and further away. I sobbed loudly as I tried to get up out of the street. But it wasn't because of my pain, it was because he pushed me out of a moving vehicle and that hurt deep in my heart. Having him screw me and cumming in my face...I know he was only trying to prove a point, which he had. If he didn't care about me he wouldn't have gone to the trouble. But did he have to leave me again?

Why couldn't he just see that we belonged together? Every day he fights it is just one day less for us to grow old together. Why did he insist on being so stubborn? Everyone in this world needs love, he is no exception. I know he feels as though he should be unlovable, but he's not, because I love him. Why can't he see that? Is it really that hard to accept? Why doesn't he believe me? I know he's been hurt deeply before, but what was I gonna have to do to prove to him that I wouldn't hurt him the way she did?

I cover myself the best I can with my coat. It was torn and ripped and I was completely naked underneath. I was alone in the dark and afraid. I didn't have a weapon of any sort. Maybe I could find a pipe or brick or something equally hard. I try to stick to the shadows, as opposed to in the street lights. If they couldn't see me then they couldn't attack me. It seemed to make pretty good sense to me, so that's what I did.

By the time I made it home I was one step away from hypothermia and shivering so bad I could barely unlock my door. I went right to my bed and climbed under my covers. I was unemployed yet again. I don't know how else to make enough money to support myself. Maybe I should run an ad for a roommate or something. Things were starting to get pretty desperate.

But I still needed to find a way to get Mistah J to accept me. I couldn't do that if he never saw me. So I knew I had to find another way to get close to him. I needed to know the kinds of places he went to. I needed to know what kind of cars I could find him in. I needed to know where he lived. Where did he go out to eat? What did he eat? But I didn't really know where to start. The only thing I knew to do was to hide around in the dark outside one of his strip clubs. Then I would try to follow him from there.

So that's what I did. I went to his clubs on a nightly alternating schedule. One half of the night I would be at one club, and the second half of the night at another. It was several weeks before I managed to catch him. By then my wounds were almost completely healed with new pink skin shining through. I was dressed in dark colors and peering from the roof of the building across the street. I'm positive that I wasn't seen, despite Mistah J and Frost looking very carefully at their surroundings. I scampered down from the roof and got into my car. I pulled out a few cars behind the one that Mistah J was in, and tried to stay as distant as I could and still keep up.

I was able to follow them quite a way, but lost them around midtown because of some stupid old geriatric couple out on a Sunday drive or something. I was so mad at them. I lost Mistah J and it was all their fault. Now I have to start all over from scratch tomorrow. And it took me weeks to get this lead. Oh I wanted to kill that old couple.

It was only three days later that my car got repo'd. That left me with public transportation, and my own two feet. So needless to say, following Mistah J now was nearly impossible. But where there's a will, there's a way. And my will to be with Mistah J was the only thing that kept me going. Nothing else mattered to me.

I had to resort to selling anything of value that I owned just to get by. The first thing to go was any gold or silver jewelry I had. And let me tell you, pawn shops should always be your last resort. They buy the stuff from you knowing you're desperate. They offer you maybe ten percent of what the item is worth and turn around and sell it with a 300% mark up. But pawn shops became a necessary evil for me, after the jewelry was gone, the electronics were the next to go, at even more cut rate than silver and gold.

* J *Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora