Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 179: Off Guard

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The Joker sat on the couch watching TV with Harley. Her head lays on his lap. He's not half as interested in the TV as he is Harley's soft hair. His fingers twiddle with the pink tips on one side of her hair. He smiles to himself as he looks down at her. His beautiful creation. His perfect mate. His sweetest everything. She took his breath away every time he looked at her. In his eyes, she was every perfection. He could feel his love for her swelling in his heart. With every breath he took, it only grew. More and more. Fuller. Deeper. Truer.

He regrets all the time that he wasted trying not to love her. His first wife, and the tragedy that accompanied her, had wounded him deeply. It damaged so many things, like trust, honor, faith, and the sanctity of marriage itself. He wishes he could have every wasted moment back, so that the time could be recycled for something more meaningful. So so so much lost time, spent on absolutely nothing. Time that could have led him to marry her sooner. But it's all just spilled milk now, and he hasn't the time to cry over it.

He wanted back all the years he foolishly gave to Bruce. That time should have rightfully went to Harley, his wife in the eyes of whatever god there may be. He did love Bruce, make no mistake about it, but he could never be his perfect mate. They just didn't work. The caped crusading Dark Knight and the laughing Clown Prince of Crime didn't exactly equal compatibility. It equaled a disastrous train wreck. He didn't want to give Bruce disaster. He truly only wanted him to be happy. He wanted Bruce to someday retire the bat and have a real family.

That was a privaledge he himself was now blessed with. However, he wished it had come before the end of his life. But at the end was better than never at all, wasn't it? He had spent his whole life thinking a family was a waste of time. That it would be a liability. That it would be painful and problematic. But it didn't seem that way to him now. He's found happiness and solace in it. He's grateful for his second chance at marriage. He's grateful for Jason, the brother that he's come to love. He's grateful for many things that he once looked at very differently.

Happiness...he never expected to find such, not in his current lifetime. He never felt as if he deserved it. He had after all been a monster. Therefore, he never felt as if anyone could truly care for him. He hadn't exactly given anyone any reason to. He didn't let anyone even get close to him. He had spent a lifetime staying detached from anything. For a long time he only used the word 'love' in reference to a weapon. It was all new and intriguing to him.

He runs the back of his fingers down Harley's cheek

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He runs the back of his fingers down Harley's cheek. He wished he had been able to have a child with her. It would have been nice to hold his own child. One half him, one half Harley. He couldn't help but smile at what a wonderful combination that would have been. That child would have definitely been fearless. It would have been smart. It would have had strong survival skills. Sadly, the joy of fatherhood couldn't happen for him. However, he did hope that Harley could have a child someday, even if she had to adopt.

He looks over to the chase lounge where Ivy sat, a pillow hugged to her chest. The TV had her smiling. He was grateful for Ivy. When he had first become the Joker he had thought he was a hideous freak because he no longer blended into a crowd. When he met Ivy he saw her as a freak like him. He was thankful for her help in him taking over Gotham. He didn't regret the short time in which she lived with him. It had been nice to learn how to cohabitate with someone. He knows that when he's gone, Ivy will take care of Harley. And he was grateful for that.

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