Part Twenty-One: Chapter 153: Unfolded

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Alday stood in a courthouse window, staring down at the traffic going by. How had that armed Arkham Asylum madman gotten past his security team? He looks over his shoulder at them, all lined up in the Judges chambers. They had never let him down before. He didn't know if long hours were to blame, or if his security had been breached? Should he have been giving them time off, or firing them? Didn't they know that one second of weakness was enough time for the Joker to strike? The man either had the world's luckiest timing, or he had turned key people. Alday can't help but glance at his colleagues in the room.

Judge Pflank was on the phone at his desk, arranging for the D.A.'s witness protection detail. Alday hoped that he wouldn't have to go too far. He also hoped that the A.D.A., Mrs. Jenkins, would be able to take the Joker down, so he didn't have to remain in hiding too long. Oh how he wanted the thrill, the privilege, the glory of taking that damn Clown down. It was his investigation, his case. It was the validation for the time away from his family.

When Judge Pflank got off the phone he turns to the D.A., "Alright. A SWAT team will be coming for transport. They're already in route to the courthouse."

"And my family?" Alday asks.

"Already in route. They'll meet you at the safehouse," he gives a warm smile to the D.A.

The SWAT van arrived under the cover of darkness.

Two detectives escort the Kevlar encrusted D

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Two detectives escort the Kevlar encrusted D.A. downstairs to it. they assure him that a third detective was already on location with his family. They load Alday into the back of the van with six bodies in full SWAT gear. Alday hopes they're up on their bomb deactivation techniques. The Joker loved using bombs.


In the Batcave Bruce and Jason are suited up and preparing to leave. They would be secretively following the SWAT van that was transporting the District Attorney. A part of Bruce anticipated seeing the Joker. It had been far too long. Bruce had relived the events of the last time they were together a thousand times. He really missed him. Bruce hopes to see him tonight, yet, almost prays that he doesn't. He knew that if he saw the Joker, that he would have no choice but to apprehend him. Even if the Joker broke no laws that night, he would still have to take him in. The competency hearing was needed, Bruce had to know the truth. Was the Joker really crazy?


The Joker sits, lulled into a dazed out state from the movement and vibrations of the vehicle. The cocaine couldn't keep his mind on point. But nothing was happening at the moment. His mind replayed the tears on Harley's face as he had filled her in on tonight's plan. Needless to say, it hadn't made her happy. But it was what needed to happen. He knew she understood that.


Alday sits in the back of the SWAT van having second thoughts. He really hated giving the Clown the upper hand. He hated thinking about how A.D.A. Jenkins would be writing her own page in history by taking down the Joker. That page in history was supposed to be his. He was the one who had promised the citizens of Gotham that he would take that Clown down.

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