Part Eight: Chapter 46: Outed

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Bruce sat at the computer in the bat cave. The Joker's white face was on the screen as Bruce was going over his files on the clown. He's managed to link him to the Red Hood, but he couldn't figure out who he was before that. There were so many conflicts with the Joker's identity. The Joker often gives false information so none of his answers will be taken at face value. Maybe he's telling the truth, maybe he's lying, the Joker liked being a mystery. As long as he remained a mystery Batman would be there trying to solve it.

So when dealing with Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime everything is virtually unknown without actual physical evidence. The Joker always leaves a calling card or note or something at his crime scenes but he never leaves behind any forensic evidence. Not one hair, not one finger print, not a single fiber. If anything is found at one of his crime scenes it's usually meant as a clue, because everything was a game to him.

Bruce looks at another computer screen that is cross referencing the Joker's prints and Red Hood prints with all other print databases. The search has been running for days and is almost complete with no other matches. Bruce mentally curses and shakes his head. Why wasn't it there? The Joker had to have had a criminal record before his accident, more than just the Red Hood's crimes. What was he missing? The answer had to be there. He was simply missing it.

Bruce runs his hand through his hair. "My age has betrayed me too many times to count..." Bruce remembered the Joker saying that. His age had betrayed him...what did the Joker mean by that? Bruce rested his forehead in his hands. The Joker didn't seem young, inexperienced, or naive. He was definitely well experienced in everything he did, as if none of it were new to him. It would be hard for anyone to take over the mob, but the Joker did it like it was second nature. And as far as running an organization goes, he was quickly showing that he could handle it with ease.

He had to have had mob connections before he took over the whole organization. His age betrayed him...Bruce quickly stops the search and enters in another one, this time he specifically searches juvenile records. The Joker must have been younger than most were guessing. But if he was young, how did he get so much experience? Did he come from a long line of mobsters? Where were the right pieces to the puzzle?

The computer beeps and Bruce looks at the screen. A match was found in the juvenile records but the juveniles file was sealed. Bruce found that rather odd. Why would the files be sealed? He's never heard of such ever being done before. The only instances where a file is sealed that Bruce knows of are government files. Did the government know something that could lead to the Joker's identity? Why would those files be sealed? How could he get a look at those files?

Bruce scowls and reaches for the keyboard. He's left with only one thing to do, hack into the files. He knows that it's wrong, but it really was going to benefit the innocent civilians of Gotham. So that sort of made it alright. Bruce feels that if he can uncover the Joker's past that it would be the key to his rehabilitation. He types in numbers and letters, desperately trying to gain access to the database that held the locked juveniles records.

Bruce remembered the Joker saying that he was the result of one bad day. Bruce had to find out what happened on that one bad day that created the Joker. Bruce is aware of his role in it all, but there was more to it. Something tragic had to have happened to him, to the man inside of the Joker. Something quite personal. That just had to be it. But what was it?

For hours are hours Bruce attempted to gain access to the database. Bruce's bloodshot eyes ached from lack of sleep and staring at the bright white computer screen. His brain ached and reeled hard to get into that file. Bruce knows it's going to answer a lot of questions. It was what was going to rehabilitate the Joker.

And then, just at the point in which Bruce is going to give up the words 'Password Accepted' appeared at the top of the screen. Bruce exhaled in relief and double clicks enter. Words filled the screen and Bruce immediately leaned closer and began to read.

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