Part Twenty-Five: Chapter 185: Impulsive

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The following night it was raining as Jason and the clowns hid in the shadows, waiting to take the boat that would be bringing in the guns at the dock. Jason kept a keen eye peeled for any unwanted surprises. From his vantage point he could make out about half a dozen Irish gang members. They stood talking among themselves, switching back and forth from English to Gaelic, but Jason wasn't close enough to decipher any of their words.

Frost hides in the shadows keeping watch of the harbour through a pair of binoculars. When he picks up a ship coming into the harbour he taps Jason's arm with the binoculars. Jason takes them and peers through them. When the ship gets closer Jason can read the name on the side, Gra' No Chroi'. It was definitely Gaelic. His lips pull back to reveal his silver teeth grinning.

"Ok, as soon as they're docked, we make a move," Jason instructs.

Frost and Ace glance at one another. Both were feeling uneasy about Jason's plan. The Joker would have never taken such a risk. He would have every detail broken down and analyzed. Jason didn't put forth that kind of commitment. There were holes the size of baseballs in his plan. Ace and Frost both worried about something going wrong.

The ship is docked, it's anchor ce ashes down into the water. Two ship hands leap to the dock and throw its heavy ropes over a pole. A gangplank is stretched out to the dock. On the docks a man climbs up to a crane and maneuvers the arm of it over the ship. A guy climbs on top of a cargo carrier and attaches a hook from the crane to it. He then gets back onto the ships deck and gives hand signals for the crane operator to lift the cargo container from the ship and place it on the dock.

Jason carefully pulls J's purple Glock from the shoulder harness. He quietly cocks it. Frost could tell Jason was antsy by the way his fingers twitched on the gun. Then, without warning, Jason stands and starts firing at every person in sight. Frost and Ace quickly follow suit, double tapping every skull they crossed. It was unplanned and careless. Now the Irish gang knows exactly who's behind things. They waste no time with returning fire at them.

"Boss, they made you," Ace calls out as he ducks behind a cargo container on the dock.

"So what?" Jas on smirks, "They ain't getting out of here alive. Kill them all!" He shouts and starts firing at the Irish.

"To be sure, we know it's you J! What's the meaning of this?!" A voice calls out.

"You have something I want!" Jason calls out, his eyes straining in the dark to find someone he can shoot.

"So how bout just tellin us what?! It's yours! You can have it!" The voice replies from the shadows.

"Great! I'll just take the guns and be on my way then!" Jason calls out as he crept through the shadow's to a new vantage point. Frost and Ace follow right behind him.

"Boss, you should let the clown secure the perimeter before proceeding," Frost advises Jason.

But Jason doesn't listen and rushes across the gangplank and onto the ship. Gun fire rings out and Frost could see the sparks from the bullets hitting metal as they fired at Jason. Each one missing his feet by mere inches. If he would have slowed his pace any he would have surely been shot.

"This motherfucker is gonna get us all killed," Ace tells Frost as he fires at whoever was trying to hit Jason.

"Cover me," Frost says and runs to the gangplank.

Ace fires at where he sees the bullets coming from. He must hit the shooter because the firing stops. Frost makes it onto the ship but has lost sight of Jason. He takes to more shadows and keeps his gun aimed out into the darkness as he creeps around a corner, his back hugging a cargo container. Damnit, where had Jason disappeared to? He was behaving with a reckless abandonment and it was dangerous, not to mention bad for business. Frost stands at another corner and draws in a deep breath, wrangling the guts to look around the other side.

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