Part Three: Chapter 12: Fools

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When they arrived at the massive estate Jack parked his car and pulled out his gun to secure the perimeter. At first the gun frightened her. Jack looks at Jeannie and instructs her to stay right behind him. They get out of the car and Jeannie hangs tightly to his shirt and watches as he carefully places an ear to the front door.

"What are you doing?" Jeannie asks him.

"Making sure there's no bomb that's gonna explode the second this door opens. Now be quiet," he says softly and tried even harder to hear. He moves his ear to several places. "I think it's clear, but you might want to step back for a second."

Jeannie quickly gets off the porch and watches from the ground. She quickly sticks her fingers in her ears, in case things got loud. Then Jack carefully turned the key and the lock unlocked. He quickly sticks his ear to the door again just to make sure before he pushes it open. He slowly pushes and gives a sigh of relief when he realizes that nothing was going to explode. He instructs Jeannie to get right behind him again.

Jack is extremely cautious as they go through the the doors threshold. He checks behind every door, every piece of furniture, even inside some things that could actually hold a person. He sweeps the entire bottom floor, looking for boobie traps, cameras, or live audio devices. He makes sure every window is locked. When he's satisfied that the first floor is secured they quietly make their way upstairs.

Once he's convinced himself that everything is fine he turns to Jeannie with a smile, "Looks like it's just you and me." Jack's arms slide around Jeannie's waist and he pulls her to him for a kiss.

"Wanna go to my room? Or no, I think you mentioned my parents bed. Somebody should enjoy it, my parents haven't touched one another in ten years," Jeannie glances at Jack.

Jack, who appeared calm, suddenly grabs Jeannie by the backs of her thighs and lifts her up. He rests and them on his shoulders as her back pressed into the wall.

Jeannie loved the masculine side of him that could toss her around effortlessly like a ragdoll

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Jeannie loved the masculine side of him that could toss her around effortlessly like a ragdoll. It was a big turn on to her. Jack's lips make contact with hers.

She can feel his hands grasping at the elastic of her panties under her dress. With a quick jerk he tears them in two places and let's them tumble off her and into the floor. Jeannie can feel his hands unfastening his pants. Jack had every intention of doing her right here with her back pressed to the wall. But Jack feels that tactic isnt the right one. This was love. Not lust. He wraps her arms around his neck.

"Where's your parents room?" Jack pants between kisses, allowing her legs to slide off his shoulders and wrap around his waist. Jeannie could feel his manhood pressed into her bare skin. She could feel the way he throbbed.

Jeannie smiles big, "Are you begging me?"

"Begging?" He quickly retorts, "No. I could have my way with you right here. This suits me just fine, hot and heavy, your back slamming against the wall," he gives her a sly smile, "but I thought a bed might be just a tiny bit more romantic. Don't you think?" He raises an eyebrow at her.

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