Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 171: Closer

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The Joker knew Jason couldn't be him with the even mindset he had. Bruce had diciplined Jason's mind too much. Jason thought before he did rash things. The Joker acted rashly and without thought. Jason needed to feed on the anger Bruce fought so hard to suppress. It could very well save his life someday. Batman may have fought hand to hand with criminals, but the Joker battled minds. Jason needed to learn how to crawl into someone's head. He needed to find weaknesses and exploit them. The Joker knew being physically strong was great, but having an athletic brain was better. Intelligence would always win over physical strengths.

One can't appreciate the strength of the mind until they've lost their mind. But you have to do more than just lose it, you have to get it back to fully see your own strength. Yes, the Joker did lose his sanity in one fatefully bad day, but he didn't permanently stay insane, he chose to give the outward apperance that he was. He recovered on his own. He didn't need medications or therapists. From the experience, his mind grew stronger. Wiser. Enlightened. Calculative.

Jason needed to lose it all in order to truly see. However, the Joker was finding it to be rather difficult to give him such an experiment. He couldn't do anything to him involving amything of a monetary value, because Jason had no money or assets. He couldn't reach him by threatening his family, he only has Bruce and the Joker. He couldn't kidnap any of his friends, for he had none. The Joker couldn't even go after a girlfriend. In truth, Jason was even more alone in the world than the Joker was. So how do you break someone who has nothing to lose?

The Joker could only think of one way, a way that had definitely put spider cracks along his already cracked psyche. Shocks. Electricity has a way of acting on the brain like some exotic virus. It goes in and alters things, rearranges in orders they don't belong. It takes facts and chips away at them, turning them into something different. It cherry picks memories and takes them away from you. It hotwires parts of your brain that are best left untampered with. Shock therapy helped to mold the Joker into what he was. Jason couldn't skip the process, not if he was to become the Joker.

Jason sits on a gurney in the lab watching the Joker connect the six leads coming from his torso to an EKG machine. It was to monitor his heart, the Joker didn't wish to accidentally kill him. Harley was searching for something for him to bite down on. Without it he might possibly bite his tongue or shatter his remaining white teeth. He couldn't be the Joker without a smile.

"Lay back," Ivy tells him.

Jason sighs and lays back. Ivy starts to strap Jason down with restraints. Once she's got him secured she puts a blood pressure cuff around his arm to keep track of his blood pressure. There was a slight risk that the procedure could send him into cardiac arrest or cause a stroke.

The Joker stands at the head of the gurney and looks down at Jason. "Ivy is going to administer Thorazine to you now. Of course you won't feel it's full effects, but it will take the edge off the procedure."


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