Part Twenty-Five: Chapter 181: Girl Power

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Three months later...

Harley's POV

My Mistah J lay in a bed with a hole in his skull just to keep him alive. Every day I change his bandages and look at his brain protruding out of his skull. That neurologist had told me that it was only buying time, that there was nothing that could be done. But I just couldn't accept that. I knew that out there somewhere was somebody that could help. It's just that they need the proper motivation to help. My puddin doesn't exactly have the best reputation. People feared him. Therefore they invested no interest in prolonging his life.

Every day Jason approaches me, trying to get me to give up and say my goodbyes. He tries to do it under the guise that it was what Mistah J would want. But I couldn't accept that. Every time I look at my Mistah J's face I see all the life still left in him. He wasn't ready to be stuffed in a box with dirt thrown in his face. He was still very much alive. He was just taking a nap. Just until we could figure out a way to help him. And I refuse to believe that there's nothing that can be done. There is, I just haven't figured out what it is. But I will. I have to, because no one else would.

But every day that passes only makes Jason more determined to start planning a funeral. I get the feeling that he just wants Mistah J out of the way. I think he knows that as long as Mistah J's still alive, that he can't fully be the Joker. And Jason did want to take over as the Joker. He was absolutely hungry for it. I know that's what Mistah J wanted, but it's not what I wanted. There's something in Jason's eyes that tells me he can't be trusted, as if he has this private agenda that none of us know about.

Jason was an identical match for my Mistah J now. Every last count our of his face was identical. Every scar, every last laugh line. His voice was indistinguishable from Mistah J's. He even mimicked the way Mistah J used different tones. He used all of Mistah J's flamboyant mannerisms. The only thing left of Jason Todd was his strands of DNA. Only us few who know the truth can actually tell a difference. I don't care how much he might look or act like Mistah J, he will never be him in my eyes. Never. To me he was just an elaborate imposter.

Jason was ready to use his inherited power over Gotham. He was already planning his first crime as the Joker. I could tell that everything had Johnny skeptical, but he had no choice but to pledge his loyalty to Jason. It was what Mistah J had wanted. He probably felt as if his hands were tied. He knew Mistah J trusted Jason, so he tried to also.

I go to the lab where I knew I'd find Red. She still hasn't abandoned her pursuit of a cure for Mistah J. Like me, she's convinced that Mistah J isn't beyond help. She knows that all options haven't yet been exhausted. Where there was a will, there was usually a way. If anybody could invent a medical cure for something, it was Ivy.

I walk over to a radio and turn it on. I knew the sound would make it difficult for our words to be heard. I knew Jason was watching and listening to the security feed. What I had to say was for Red's ears only. But there was nowhere that I could privately speak with her. If we left the penthouse Jason would have someone follow us. For all I know, he might have listening devices planted in our clothes.

I stand next to Ivy and keep my head looking down. I knew the cameras couldn't see our mouths that way. "Keep yer head down an whisper," I say to her. She says nothing, but I know she's heard me. "I think I've come up with a way ta help Mistah J," I say under my breath, "But it involves gettin Mistah J outta here. I don't trust Jason. He's gonna slip in one night an put a pillow over Mistah J's face."

"Why would he kill J?" Ivy softly asks.

"I dunno, but I can't seem ta shake tha feelin," I tell her.

"Harls, J is as good as dead, what more could Jason actually gain?" She asks as she keeps her hands busy so we don't seem suspicious.

"Ta make sure we got no choice but ta move on." I answer.

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