Chapter 2: Exploration

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I teleported to my safe house and ran to my make-shift bed which was just old newspapers and plastic bags. That night I cried myself to sleep. In the morning, I woke up to a pounding headache and sore eyes. I teleported back home to get some medicine. I noticed that cops were already there, so I quickly and quietly took what I needed and tiptoed into Melody's room to grab a stuffed animal. Just as a deputy turned into the nursery, I teleported back. I was surprised at how fast the police got there, which I didn't know how they knew since I never tipped the police. Once I got back, I freaked out cause I realized that I was a five year old in the big world with no parents...parents...I have no parents. I would have a normal life if mother wasn't an alcoholic, if father didn't have anger issues or was violent, and if Melody was still alive.

Everyone would still be alive if you would have used your quirks.

"Shut up!" I yelled to myself, realizing that the voice in my head has gotten louder now that I'm alone. I then start to think of what I'm going to do- money wise.

Just use your quirk to make money.

"That's a good idea." I whispered to myself.

I then realized that I didn't know where I actually was. Was I still in America? Was I in the UK? Was I in Russia? I didn't know. I then decided to walk out of the building that I called my safe house and onto the street. I walked down the street to look back and notice that the safe house was actually an abandoned warehouse. I continue down the street to finally make it to an area where many people were, but they are speaking in a language I did not know. I use my quirk to translate what is being said and to translate what I see. I then stumble upon a shop that has its doors open and a TV on with the weather forecast. I then realize that I'm no longer in America, but Japan. I freak out and run back to the safe house, staying there for a while as I try to calm down. I then decide to pack all that I can in my bag that is already half full. I generate yen and shove it in my pockets before creating a man and a woman that work on my command. I then wandered around the city for a long time, trying to find an apartment that seemed cheap. After what felt like ages, I finally found an apartment that fits the requirements.

I made the man knock on the landlord's door and when the door swung open the landlord asked, "How long will you be staying?" In a manner that made it seem like I was interrupting something.

I then command the man to say, "We aren't sure yet. How much is it to rent out an apartment?"

The landlord sighed before replying angrily, "Listen, I'll just send you a bill each month and if you pay it on time, I'll have no reason to bother you's. Alright?" He then turned to his left, took something off a hook on the wall and threw it to the man. Since I wasn't thinking about him catching the key, it hit his chest and fell to the ground. As I picked up the key, the landlord said, "You's will be staying in apartment number 207. It's on the next level up and the near end." He then slammed his door shut. We walked to the door of apartment 207. Once we found it, I handed the key to the man to unlock the door.

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