Chapter 33: Telling people about yourself can be dangerous

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I made my way to the table and sat behind a plate and chopsticks. Aizawa then walked over with the container of cheap sushi.

"Dinner is served." he said lazily as he sat the open container on the table. He too then sat down. We both said thanks for the meal then started to eat.

"When is Yamada getting off?" I asked

He looked at the clock on the wall, "He's working later...till six I think?"

"Okay." I paused, "What determines the time that you get off of hero duty? I get done at six every day...but then I'm practically on call if it's a major situation."

He thought for a moment, "I'm not sure what determines the time. We get told that when we clock in at the police station. I suppose that it would have to depend on the area and how high the crime level is along with how many heroes are in the area too probably. That's the only reason that I can think of."

"So you are in a different district each time? What's the farthest district you patrolled in?" I asked since this started to peak my interest.

"Well, I suppose I am in a new district each time, but because I live in this one, I stay close to it." he explained.

I put down my chopsticks and started to think, " it's different than what I do. I strictly only stay in the district that I live in unless I get called to another one for a major fight. So I guess that I have to get used to a new district."

"I guess so." he said just before he took another bite. I ate a few more rolls before he asked, "So, uhh...what's up with your thighs? They seem pretty mangled up with all sorts of cuts and scars."

I nearly choked on my food cause I didn't actually expect him to bring it up so soon or so calm. "W-well, y-you see...I just s-sort of...ya know..." I tried to explain but couldn't.

'Why is it so hard to explain now yet it was fairly easy to explain to Toshi.'

"You don't have to explain now. It can wait. You can gather your thoughts." He then took his plate and the garbage to the kitchen. He threw the garbage into the trash as he said quietly yet loud enough that I was able to still hear him, "I understand where you're coming from."

I then stood up quickly and said quite loudly (now that I think of it, I think I may have overreacted), "Really?! You do?"

He then closed his eyes as he sighed then looked up and stared at the wall before looking in my direction to say, "Yes, Y/N, I do understand how you feel and why you're doing what you're doing. I know how it feels when someone finds out about that when you don't want them to. I don't want you to feel that way. I'll let you speak of it when you're ready, and if you don't want to, that's fine too."

I then carried my things to the sink as I pondered if I should already tell him about it. I wanted to so then he'd know ahead of time if something happened to me, that it's cause of my shitty mental state. Also if blood seeps through my bandages and onto my clothes, it's not that big of deal. I cleaned the dishes while I still thought about it, then went to my room to continue my painting. When I finished the painting, I decided that I was going to tell him. I walked quietly out to the living room to see if he was there. Sure enough he was; sleeping though. I quietly and hesitantly tried to wake him up.

"Aizawa? H-hey, Aizawa. W-wake up."

He then brought his eyebrows down, squinted his eyes and looked around. As he did so, he noticed me. He then closed his eyes as he sat up, yawned then started to clean the sleep from his eye as he said sleepily, "What is it?"

I nervously said, still standing behind the couch, "I-I'm ready to talk about it n-now, I think."

He then abruptly stopped rubbing his eye and said, "Come...sit." I walked to the chair that was at the end of the coffee table and was close to the end of the sofa that he was sitting at. I then sat there for a few minutes before I noticed that he was looking at me, waiting for me to start talking. Once I noticed him, he said, "There's no rush. Take your time."

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