Chapter 159: Another trip

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During the week I had received an email from David that my hero costume was ready. I was surprised at how fast it was finished, but then again, who knows about how advanced the technology is that they use. For all I could know, they could have used a new invention to create it. I also let him know that two other people will be coming with since Aizawa was so persistent that he and Yamada were to tag along. We did the same thing that I did that Friday before; go back to the apartment after school to grab what little we needed. When we got into the apartment and were taking off our shoes, I suggested, "Just saying, you should probably bring your hero costumes and a swimsuit."

"We're going swimming?" Yamada asked excitedly.

I put a foot on the bottom step of the staircase, "Probably."

"Do I have to bring my hero costume?" Aizawa asked tiredly.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I guess." I said, then began up the stairs and to my room.

When I got into my room I dumped out my bag, which I then packed shampoo and stuff like that in my backpack, along with my hero costume and a pair of shorts and a T-shirt since that's my swimming suit. After I finished packing my bag, I changed out of my uniform and into something different. I threw on my black skinny jeans and a white Twenty One Pilots shirt, then a black leather bomber jacket over that. I then fed Melody before I picked up my bento box off of my coffee table to bring it down to the sink. When I got to the kitchen sink, I opened it and swished water around in it before placing it upside down in the sink. Once I finished with that, I leaned on the wall to the right of the little hallway as I waited for them. A few minutes later they emerged from their room with Yamada carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder, looking a little grumpy.

We walked towards our shoes as I asked, "What are you so mad about?"

"Oh it's nothing; I just have to carry both mine and Sho's stuff." he replied.

"It'll save space." Aizawa protested.

"Sure, it's just an excuse so you don't have to carry your own bag." Yamada remarked as he began to put his shoes on.

I finished tying my high tops as I said, "Chill; it's not like you're going to have to hold onto the bag while we're on the jet."

"Yeah, chill." Aizawa echoed with a smirk, making Yamada scoff and roll his eyes as he shook his head. When we finished putting on our shoes, I teleported us to the doors of the airport. As we walked in, Aizawa asked, "Don't we need tickets?"

I continued to lead us, "Nope, not for how we're traveling?"

"Wait, I thought that we were going by a regular passenger jet since you have guests with you, rather than just flying on your own." Yamada said.

"Nope, we're taking the private jet no matter what; and since we're taking the private jet, I'm sure that we'll also be staying in the suite that I did last time." I said as we closed in on the first desk. After a while we finally made it through security and made it to the jet.

As we were buckling in, Yamada began to look around as he said, "Wow, this is fancy."

"It is." I agreed.

"Do you usually take this when you travel?" Aizawa asked, which I then nodded my head. I dug my fingernails into the arms of the seat as it got closer to lift off. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just fine." I said with a smile.

"You look like you're going to rip a hole in the seat."

I dug my nails in deeper as soon as I felt the jet move, "Do I?"

Yamada asked in a calm tone, "Do you not like plane rides?"

I was too scared to answer while we were taking off, so I just sat there with my eyes clenched shut as I was looking down. When it was a little smoother, I opened my eyes slowly and raised my head to answer, "I hate it when it's taking off and landing, but it's okay when it's not that...or turbulence."

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