Chapter 32: You must save him once again

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When I woke the next morning I felt absolutely drained. I just wanted to sleep all day as if I were to mimic death. I knew that I shouldn't since I now live with two others and if I probably don't show my face at least once a day, I think they'll think I'm dead...or kidnapped...yeah, that too. So, I gathered up enough strength and got out of bed and down to my bathroom. I had to change the bandages all over my body cause while I was tossing in my sleep, I had reopened cuts which bled a lot. Even my pajamas had blood soaked through them. I scrubbed them, then threw them in my laundry basket. After I got dressed I walked to the kitchen to see if there were leftovers from yesterday cause I put what little was left in a container. I opened the fridge and there was nothing left. I then sighed as I turn around to look out the window beyond the table. As I look in that direction I notice a letter on the table. On my way to the table I got so hot that I was tempting the idea of rolling up my sleeves. I mean, as soon as I walked out of my room I was hit by the heat; it was too hot. At the table, I picked up the letter. It read:


We both have hero duty every Sunday. We don't get done until about three; nine at the latest. There is no need to make lunch or supper for us, just make something for yourself. If something dire pops up, don't hesitate to text us.


There was writing scribbled below his:

Don't party too hard!


'Of course Yamada would write something like that.'

I then let out a chuckle as I went back to my room. I was no longer hungry since it was so hot; I even rolled up my sleeves now. When I closed my door I changed into shorts that were above the knee since I had a few hours to myself, and plus I'm in my own room. After changing, I tucked the letter into the drawer of my nightstand. I then had the urge to start painting something. I haven't painted in forever. I hope that I haven't gone rusty. I generated the art table that I used long ago, canvas, paints and brushes. I started the background, the outline, and started to paint the base of the image. Just as I finished mixing a color and feeling zen, I had a gut feeling that I should teleport somewhere. I wasn't sure where, just somewhere. I then let my gut feeling teleport me to the location and thank god I did. As soon as I looked up, I saw Midoriya standing dangerously close to the edge of a roof. We were in an abandoned part of the city. If I had to guess how tall the building was that we were on, I'd say that it was around eight stories; plus some.

"W-what-cha doing here Midoriya?" I asked in a low, quiet tone so I wouldn't scare him.

He lowered his head and turned around, "I'm gonna jump." He said as he quietly wept, tears streaming down his face. He took a single step back towards the edge. I put my hands out but low and took a step towards him. I didn't want to move any closer to him cause I wanted him to walk to me. I wanted to persuade him that he should continue on living and that we can talk about it.

I then said in a soft and comforting tone, "Come here, we can talk about this."

He then yelled, causing more tears to flow, "No! I don't want to! I caused the one I love pain, so now I must feel pain too!"

"Come here, " I continued in the same soft and quiet tone, "we can solve this without doing something irreversible; something that will for sure cause the one you love pain."

He then realized that too then took a few slow steps towards me, but then swiftly turned around and bolted over the edge. I then teleported to him, caught him and just levitated there.

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