~Authors Note~

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It's sort of bittersweet. I devoted so many hours to this, though it took me only an hour or two to crank out a chapter. I started it on 8/15/2019 and I officially finished it on 5/22/2020, even though it didn't finish publishing until 7/13/2020 and that's because of a schedule that I went by. Now that I finished it, I feel sort of lost or more rather sort of empty. I have made a complete rough draft for an original story, a short outline for an Erasermic fic, and started the second part to Heroes Need Saving Too. The little teaser sort of thing (if that is what you want to call it) is the next chapter after this. Technically, this is chapter #199 and the next one is #200...so I guess a made it?

I'm curious, how long did it take you to read this long thing?

I feel like some of the chapters that I wrote aren't that good. I also feel like it turned out to be more like an ErasermicXReader sort of thing which isn't what I was intending at all (but I sort of like where it ended). I tried to reread it all and fix a couple things (if you finished this and are thinking, "Crap, now I have to go back and read a better quality of this shit show." No, it was only grammar and wording errors and such that I was fixing).  I'm honestly surprised at how many people like this. I read a few comments saying that they really like this story and when I read them I guess I began to blush cause my mom walked by and said I was (no one knows that I write stuff whether it's an original or a fic). Whatever, I'm glad that those few of you out there enjoyed it. Now I just hope that I don't disappoint with the next part to this or make it seem drug out.

(Updated January 2021) Man, as more comments are being written, some of you guys are finding friends though this story...it honestly makes me happy that you all are enjoying it to that extent. Not only that, but you guys seem to have each other's back even though we're pretty much all strangers. Normally I'm not a person who feels like I've helped anyone or made something that someone enjoys, but I feel accomplished like I have. It's weird. Thank you.

The next part is going to be called A New Chapter (it's currently out right now 😄), which is another reader insert since it's carrying on into the future, so the characters are the same. The reader is now going to be 36 and having kids of her (sorry, it's still carrying on with the female reader) own and they're sixteen. So in other words, where I started this, her kids are at the same age in the second part. I don't plan at all to have it as long as this. Hell, I don't even plan it to exceed over fifty...but who knows, I didn't think this was going to go over twenty five and look where it ended!

I better put it out there that a certain few readers have given me ideas. Unfortunately I wasn't able to put them in this story, but I assure you that the ideas will be in the squeal. Also, if anyone has other events, topics, or ideas that I could interoperate into it, I would be more than willing to try my spin on things (I would even do a shout out for the person who gives the idea).

I guess that writing is a hobby of mine besides watching anime and other things as such. I'm always up for writing something, no matter the length. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm up for anything even if it's a different fandom than BNHA. I'm in so many fandoms that are anime/manga, even some that aren't, like Superwholock, Detroit: Become Human, or Steven Universe. Even a suggested theme would be nice, like hanahaki disease for example.

Well, I guess that's all from me now. If you have any overall comments or questions about Heroes Need Saving Too or the second part- A New Chapter- please leave a comment or DM me and I'll try to answer it.

Thank you so very much!

Chapters: 200

Words: About 473,000

*Hands reader one last potato*

*Hands reader one last potato*

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