Chapter 182: A winter outing

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A couple days passed and it was early Saturday morning. I went to bed at around three which was when Yamada finished his radio broadcast, so I was already pretty tired by the time it ended. Normally I wouldn't be, but I was tired all day. I was shortly later woken up by yelling that sounded like it was Aizawa, which I thought was pretty odd. I got out of bed as I glanced to my phone to check the time and happened to be a little past five. I was sort of pissed off because I was so tired and I don't like to be woken up for useless things, even if it was an accident. I shuffled down the spiral staircase and out of my room; the door was already open so I didn't need to bother with it. As I walked to the stairs, I looked down to see that Aizawa was standing between the coffee table and the TV while Yamada was standing behind the couch.

As I got off of the last step of the main staircase, I noticed something between a pair of shoes. I picked it up and noticed that it was the car key. I hung it up on the key ring that was on the wall before I started to walk out of the entryway like a tired zombie. I stopped walking as I made it to the exit of the entryway and stood there with a dead and tired expressionless look.

"How in the hell did you lose it between here and there?" Aizawa said loudly.

"Shh, Y/N will wake up and be pissed off." Yamada said quietly as he tried to calm him down.

I heard a stomp as he said even louder, "No! That was the only key that we had for the car! Now we're going to have to take the damn train or walk!"

"Shh; n-" Yamada said quietly again before he was cut off.

"Have fun explaining that to Y/N that she's now going to have to wake up earlier so she can walk to school!"

"We aren't walking anywhere; I'll find it, just wait."

I heard rustling from somewhere as Aizawa continued to talk loudly, "I know you won't find it!" Yamada then quickly moved to the right just as I realized that a book was flying towards me and hit me square in the nose. I didn't move, just continued to stand there expressionless. They both looked to me in shock as if I wasn't supposed to be there. Aizawa tensed up as he said, "Shit." quietly. "I'm s-"

Before I could let him finish, I levitated them both up and sat them down in each of the chairs that are at opposite ends of the coffee table. In an angered and pissed off tone I hissed, "I would make you's resolve it, but I already did. I found the key on the floor between a pair of shoes. Now, shut the hell up and go to bed." I then turned around and went back to my room in pure silence.

Just as I was going to walk into my room, I heard Aizawa say quietly, "I'm sorry."

I stopped walking and stood in the doorway as Yamada said after a sigh, "I'm sorry too."

"I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you; I over a lot." he said as I turned invisible and walked to the railing. He went on, "I think we're lucky that Y/N didn't teleport us into the middle of nowhere for waking her."

Yamada rubbed the back of his neck as he said with a nervous chuckle, "Yeah, she looked quite pissed off."

'That is because I am pissed off.'

"We better tell her that we're sorry later. If we do it now, I don't think we'd walk her room in one piece or even walking for that matter." Aizawa said as he stood up, then walked over to Yamada, who just stood up as he made it to him. He wrapped his arms around Yamada and buried his face in his chest, "I'm sorry." he mumbled.

Yamada then wrapped his arms around him as he said in a warm tone, "I'm sorry too; I gotta quit being so careless."

I could see that Aizawa squeezed him tighter, "I tried to throw a damn book at you. I gotta quit being so mean."

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