Chapter 128: Happy for once

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When we were supposed to perform, Midoriya still wasn't back yet. As I was still practicing while we all waited for his arrival, I had received a text from Toshinori.

Toshi: Have you seen Midoriya?

Me: No, he's late and we need him back. Where is he?

Toshi: I don't know, that's why I'm asking you.

Me: Well, I still don't know.

Toshi: I understand that you're more likely getting ready for your classes event for the festival, but could you please use some sort of quirk to locate him?

Me: Sure thing, I'll text you what I uncover.

Toshi: Thank you very much! There are also other heroes who are on campus who are looking, so if you'd like, you can join them.

Me: I'll do that if my quirks fail me.

I slid my phone back into my pocket as I excused myself from where everyone was. As I walked through groups of people, I was paying attention to a quirk that would pick up Midoriya's phone signal. At one point I picked it up, which made me swing around and notice that a hero was where I felt the phone signal come from. I walked up to the hero.

"Excuse me?" I said politely, gaining the heroes attention. "Do you happen to have Izuku Midoriya's phone by chance?"

He was confused momentarily, "Yes, I do. How did you know?"

"I felt the phone waves that I was tracking and they were pretty strong in your direction."

"Why were you tracking his phone?" he asked in a tone which made me feel like I was a villain and doing something bad.

"I was asked to be on the lookout for him."

He laughed, "Who would ask a student to look for another student?"

"I may be a student, but I'm also a hero." I deadpanned as I put my hands in my jacket pockets.

He stopped laughing upon realizing that I'm Blank. "Sorry, since you're out of costume I didn't realize who you were until you said that."

I waved my hand, "It's quite alright; I'm going to go looking again."

I then began walking off as I activated a quirk that allowed me to sense where he was. I felt that he was out in the woods off to the side of the school, but a ways down the hill. I wandered closer in that direction and as I did so, that sense grew. Once I got close enough I noticed that Midoriya was there with two other heroes and two other people who I presume were villains. As I walked through the brush, the heroes turned around in half a heart beat, nearly scaring me on how fast they moved.

"What are you doing all the way out here? You should be back at the festival." the hero, Hound Dog, said to me menacingly.

I repeated the same reasoning as before, "I was asked to be on the lookout for him, I guess you guys found him before me." Midoriya just looked at me, which I then said to him, "You should be getting back since we're supposed to be performing really soon...we're going to be late."

Panic swept over him, "Ahh! That's right! We have to go!"

One of the two heroes then went off with the two villains while the other went with us back to the school. Midoriya went off to clean up after what looked like a fight, and to change into his outfit for the event. While he was doing that, I went to the stage area where everyone else was waiting. Once I arrived, I went straight to the bass guitar that I was going to use and began to warm up silently while we waited for Midoriya to arrive again.

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