Chapter 116: Too much human contact

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A little while passed and nothing popped up. Yes, there were a few days that I was called out of class to contend to a hero call, but other than that, nothing exciting happened. Though one day when I clocked out at the station, I received a letter from someone. Nothing was written on the envelope, so I didn't know who it was from. I didn't bother to look at it until I was back at the apartment. When I appeared at the apartment, the living room light was still on, yet I couldn't see anyone; so I took it that Aizawa was lying down on the sofa. Yamada was at the radio station since it was a Friday, so I had an earbud in while listening to the radio. Once I took off my boots, I took my bento box out of my backpack and put it in the sink like I usually did after I got back. I then looked around in the drawers in the kitchen for a letter opener or scissors. I thought I wasn't making that much noise, but I guess that Aizawa either wasn't asleep or I was just making too much noise, but he sat up and looked towards me.

"What are you looking for?" he asked.

I stopped and looked up from the drawer that I was looking in, "A letter opener. Do you have a letter opener or a pair of scissors? I don't have anything like that in my room since stuff like that has gone missing at some point."

He thought about it before getting up and walking into his and Yamada's bedroom. While he was in there, I closed the drawer and waited for him to walk back out. A few seconds later he walked out with a letter opener and handed it to me, "Did you get some mail? I didn't remember seeing something of yours when I picked it up."

I carefully and neatly ripped open the envelope with the knife as I replied, "It was given to me at the station before I clocked out."

I handed him the letter opener as he asked, "Who is it from?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I got a hold of the folded up paper inside, "I don't know, it doesn't say anything on the outside." He then leaned on the back of the sofa as I unfolded the paper and skimmed over it before reading it from the top.

I was then stopped a few sentences in when he asked, "What does it say?- er, well, it's fine if you don't want to read it out loud. It's your letter."

I waved a hand as I kept my eyes on the paper, "No, it's fine." I then put both hands back on the paper and began to read out loud:

Dear, Blank,

Thank you for saving me. You probably don't remember who I am though. I am the girl that you saved who tried to jump off the tallest building in the city. Anyways, I'm now getting the help that I need. I am making good progress. I'm starting to feel happier and I'm not as shy as I used to be. I don't know how to show you the amount of appreciation for what you have done for me and for everyone else. I wouldn't be here, writing this letter to you, if it wasn't for you who saved me by jumping off of the roof too and catching me. I'd also like to say sorry for hitting you and acting like a child who wasn't having it their way. I'm sorry if I hurt you while you were doing such a selfless act of kindness. I'm beyond thankful for you giving me a second chance at life and opening my eyes to the beauty of the world that I was blind to before I have been helped. I hope that we will meet again someday when it's a time that I don't need saving.

I wish you luck and safety while you're out being a hero- Airu

I then felt around the envelope and felt that there was a flat, rectangular object. I opened it and pulled out a charm. I looked at it confused since I didn't know what it was at first, so I had to ask about it.

"I know I'll sound stupid for asking this, but what is it?" I asked as I held out the rectangular charm.

Aizawa took it to get a better look at it and replied, "It's a luck-boosting talisman." I didn't say anything cause I was still confused. He handed it back to me as he said, "You know, for good luck."

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