Chapter 24: I may be a girl but I ain't no cupcake

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"Aren't you going to say anything? You never speak! Are you deaf? Mute? Or are you just that stupid?" The delinquent said as he held me by the collar of my school uniform, leaving me dangling over the railing on the roof of the school.

I deadpanned, "If I'm so stupid, then why am I at the top of the class?"

He then said, pissed off yet in a fake happy tone, "Oh, so you can speak!" He paused before speaking in a deeper tone, "Your quirk pisses me off. You never use it. It makes me think that you don't have one." A psychopathic smile crept to his face, "I've heard that you have a quirk that brings you back to life if you die. Let's see if that's true"

Just before he let go, I said, "Try me."

I started to fall. 'The feeling of air rushing through my hair feels wonderful.' I thought to myself. Once I hit the ground there was a loud crunch then an, "Oh shit!" from the asshole that dropped me. I then activated a healing quirk to heal myself then let the quirk that brings me back to life fix my organs; since that was one thing I wasn't able to heal at the time. After laying there for a few minutes, the bully ran up to me and just stared at me.

"H-hey...y-you alright?" he asked nervously.

I sat up and looked over to him, dead in the eyes and said in an expressionless tone, "Never better." I paused while I stood up. He took a step back. "How about you?" I quickly took him by the collar of his uniform and flew about fifteen stories up. I stopped and asked with the same smile that everyone is afraid of, "How about you. Let's see if your quirk lets you survive from this height."

I let go of him, but before he could even reach the same height as the roof on the school, I caught him by his collar. He started crying like a little baby, bawling his eyes out, and he was so loud I thought he was doing damage to his vocal chords.

Through his blubbers I was able to make out, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I won't ever mess with you or anyone else ever again!"

I then carefully dropped him on the roof of the school and said just as I myself landed, "Good. Now, don't speak of this to anyone or else I'll drop you for real." He then violently nodded his head, to the point that I thought he turned his brain to mush.

I then pocketed my hands and walked off, satisfied with myself. I was able to make the world's bully count go down by one. When I walked out of the entrance of the school with my backpack slung over my shoulder, I was still able to hear the delinquent bawling.


With my eyes still closed I thought, 'The only other time that I smiled like that...but that was a fun time. Scaring middle schoolers who were bullies like that was fun.'

I question at times how on gods fucking green earth can you, of all people, be a hero now, yet you like to torment people.

'Ahh, just fuck off. I'll do my thing, you do yours.' I respond to the voice in my head.

And I am.


I then tried to sit up. The first few times weren't successful but the sixth or seventh time was. I slowly sat up, pushing myself up with my arms to help me since I was physically weak. I then looked over to see Toshinori sound asleep. I tried to scoot over the farthest that I could so I'd be within reach of him, and poked him on the shoulder.

"Hey." My voice was still raspy, breathy and sore. "Hey, get up." He slowly sat up and straightened his back.

"See what I told you? I told you that you may be able to move when you woke up again."

I just nodded my head since my voice hurt a little worse than it did before now that I talked. I thought that I should try and heal myself cause I was ready to get the hell out of there. I concentrated on healing my left arm first. Before, I wasn't able to move my fingers that were sticking out of the cast. Now, after I tried to heal my arm, I was able to move them now.

"Hell yeah, I have enough quirk energy to heal everything else, yet I'm so weak I can't walk." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" He asked, interested in what he didn't catch.

I did the same thing to my right arm and wiggled my finger to check that I healed my arm. I then generated a saw to cut off my cast.

"Woah! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He said surprised, scared, and worried all at the same time.

I said as calm as ever, "Getting these sons of bit-I mean-I'm taking these casts off. I no longer have a need for them since I already healed my arms. Without them, I will have better movement to heal everything else."

"No! Just have the doctor take them off!" He said, starting to get a little aggravated.

"I'm sorry, but I want to go home. Not to mention to go to school. I want to relax before I have to go to school tomorrow." I said as I put the saw to my left arms cast.

He then said in a stern voice, "Y/N."

I ignored him and started to look away. In no time the first cast was off. After that, I started on my right arms. Since my left hand is my non-dominant hand, it took a little longer to get the right arms cast off. I looked at my arms, inspecting them to see if I needed to heal them any more. Once I was satisfied, I moved on to heal my leg. That went just as fast as my left arm. Putting my hands around the neck brace, I tried to heal my neck. I had to use more of my quirk on my neck than I did for my arms or my leg. Once I took off the neck brace, I looked up to the mirror and saw that there was still a large hand print that wrapped around my neck.

"Well shit, I didn't know that my healing quirk didn't heal bruises." I said out loud as I traced my fingers slowly over the bruise.

Toshinori then said, sounding quite disappointed, "Just finish healing yourself before you get too weak to finish what you started." then finished his statement with a sigh.

"Don't worry." I said as I started to unravel the bandage that was wrapped around my head. I then looked in the mirror to see how my face looked, "Holy sh- my face! My eye! Oh my god!" I then sat there staring at myself, repeating, "Oh my god" quietly under my breath. He then slowly stood up and put his hand gently on my back, "How the fu- how am I going to explain this tomorrow?! I understand I can cover the bruising with concealer, but the eye? I'm at a loss!" My eye was horribly bruised. It was bloodshot and very swollen; I could barely open it.

He then said in an apologetic tone, "I don't know either." He paused to think of an idea, "What if you just told anyone who asks, that you got in a fight while you were on 'duty' and this was the best that you were able to heal it. How does that sound?"

I sigh in defeat, "Yeah, I suppose that'll have to do."

I threw aside the blanket, slung my feet over the side of the bed and tried to stand. I mean, I was able to stand. It was just that as soon as I tried to take a step, my knees buckled from underneath me and caused me to fall.

He ran to my side, "Be careful! You said that you didn't want to be in here anymore."

I all of a sudden got angry for no reason, "Move, I will do this on my own. I'm a strong, tough girl."

"Alright then." He moved back but was still at a stance that told me that he would be ready at any moment to help me if I needed it.

I pulled myself up, holding onto the side of the bed, then stumbled to the wall to help keep myself up right. I then stopped to ask something.

"Were you the one who put my glasses on me?" I ask over my shoulder.

He then said, confused, "No?" He then paused before saying in an angered tone, "It must have been Shigaraki and that teleporting villain. That is the only explanation that I can think of."

I then said as I continued towards the door, "Whatever."

I heard rustling behind me before he said, "Wait, you should change first. I have a set of clothes for you."

I turned around and slowly made my way back to him to pick up my clothes, then to the bathroom to change. Once I opened the bathroom door, he activated his quirk and was kneeling down.

"Here, get on my back. It will go quicker. I'll bring you home." He said over his shoulder.

I huffed and said, "Fine". Once he stood up and started walking out of the room and down the hall, I said in an ashamed tone for some reason; causing me to bury my face in his back, "Thank you." I said sheepishly.

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