Chapter 102: I've been found already

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I woke up the next morning feeling like shit; mentally, physically, and emotionally. I reluctantly got out of bed and got changed into my uniform after changing the bandages that were wrapped around my legs, arms and stomach. I grabbed my backpack and turned invisible, then walked through the door and into the hallway. I left the dormitory and moped to the classroom. Each step I took was so painful due to the cuts. I could tell that deeper ones reopened and started to bleed cause the bandage started to stick to my skin. When I sat down at my desk I couldn't help but rub the top of my thighs ever so lightly to try and subdue the pain. It helped somewhat, but not much. In the middle of a lesson I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, but I guess that it was just from the loss of blood making me see stuff. I then watched out the window during different times throughout the lesson cause I started to get a little paranoid. When lunch came around, Midoriya came up to me before he left.

"Hey, Y/N, do you feel up to going to the cafeteria with me? I'd kinda be alone since Shouto won't be back till later and Uraraka along with Iida were going to work on an assignment. So I was wondering if you'd like to come along; I mean, you don't have to, I'm fine going alone." he said nervously.

I stood up as I tried to smile, "I wouldn't mind joining you."

He smiled, "Thanks." I nodded my head as I took a step. As we were walking down the hall, he asked in a low and quiet tone, "How are you doing? You look sort of out of it; you kept on looking out the window during the lesson."

"I'm fine." I said as we kept on walking.

He then stopped walking and just stared at me until I noticed, stopped, turned around, and walked back towards him. "Y/N, I know the look all too well that I know it's not. Please, stop lying."

I looked down then back up, "Sorry, it's just that it's such an automatic thing for me to say that I don't notice I say it."

He began walking, "It's alright, I understand...but please talk about it-if you want." He paused before adding in a soft tone, "It helped me to talk to you about it all, so I hope that you'll trust me enough so that I can help you now."

I tried to give him a genuine smile, "Thank you."

When we made it to the cafeteria, we got our food and sat down at a table. Midoriya got some noodles while I got two small rice balls since I didn't want to eat. As we ate, he asked, "So, how was your summer?"

"It was alright; a lot of crime stopping and saving people. How about you?" I asked in return.

He lit up and spoke in an excited tone along with a while, "When Shouto wasn't training, we went out and did so many things."

"Oh? What did you guys do?" I asked since I knew that he wanted to talk about it.

He replied with even more excitement, "We went to an aquarium, a zoo, a festival, a theme park, many things. Oh, this one time..."

As he told me many stories throughout lunch, I couldn't help but feel happy for him, along with the happiness of knowing that I was able to help him somewhat so he'd be able to be this happy now. I was almost envious of that emotion that he harbored. I was glad that he's with someone who will take such good care of him. Someone who he's afraid of hurting, and that's rare for someone to fear that it seems like.

Just as we made it back to the classroom, he said, "I'm sorry that you had to listen to me all of lunch, I wasn't able to hear some of your stories of your break."

I smiled a friendly smile as I said, "It doesn't matter. You already know that I wasn't able to do much cause I was out on patrol."

"Well then, I'll have to hear some of those stories sometime." he said. I nodded my head as he took a seat at his desk, while I then walked to mine.

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