Chapter 162: Too slow

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Nothing interesting happened for a while. I mean, besides dealing with people who are on drugs and I happen to be in the right area at the right time so I have to bring them to the station. It'salways interesting to see what the people do. Though, there was this one day during a three day weekend that I was called to deal with this one criminal that I had to arrest one other time who escaped from prison. I got the phone call at around noon as I was lazing around the apartment. Once I hung up, I used my fast changing quirk to change into my new hero costume. After that, I teleported to the prison that I usually get called to when a villain or criminal is on the loose. When I arrived, I was informed that the criminal had the quirk of hurricane winds, so I knew that it was the guy who tried to topple over huge apartment buildings from before. I then went out and began to search for him, which sucked this time since he went into the city rather than the woods. Just when I felt that I was on his trail, I got a phone call from the chief and he said that someone was damaging the city with their quirk, which just so happened to be hurricane like winds. I said that I would be right over, but I was confused for how fast the criminal was able to travel. Just as I began to make my way to the area of the call, I found the guy who I was after. He didn't notice me, so I knocked him out and brought him back to the prison.

As soon as he was in the correct place, I was informed that he had a twin brother or that maybe he was one of the triplets and they were planning to meet up and destroy the whole city. I right away left and teleported to the area that I was called to, but I guess that it moved to a different area, so I began to fly around the immediate area of the city. After flying around the whole city for two hours, I felt a strong gust of wind, so I knew that it was the criminal that I was after. When I found him, no heroes were fighting him, he was just destroying properties. Since I was so close to him, I was able to land a punch before he tried to use his quirk to attack me. He was quite weak since with one blow, he fell to the ground unconscious. Just as I handcuffed him and readied him to bring him to the agency, I had a strong gut feeling that I was needed somewhere. Upon feeling that, I teleported to the agency and dropped off the criminal before teleporting to the area where I had the gut feeling that I had to be at.

When I arrived, there was a third person who looked exactly like the other two that I had just taken care of. Since I was a good distance from him, I erased his quirk then knocked him out. Before I could go and retrieve the knocked out criminal, a familiar voice hollered my hero name. I looked around through the chaos of the crowd and saw Aizawa on his knees, surrounded by debris, holding something that was on the ground. I ran over to him, allowing other heroes to deal with the unconscious criminal in the distance. As I got closer, I noticed that it was a person on the ground, lying on their back, but as I got even closer I realized that it was Present Mic. I stopped running on a dime and knelt down to try and help. He was in horrible shape, and by the large piece of debris that was within arms reach, I figured that it hit him. His directional speaker was bent horribly beyond repair. He was struggling to breath, so I knew that the speaker must have taken the force.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a panicked tone.

Mic tried to speak, but he couldn't, so Aizawa replied in a tone matching mine, "He was hit by a chunk of building that was broken off by the criminals quirk. His speaker was hit and it's crushing his throat. I can't get it off of him since it's so badly damaged."

I right a way went to work, putting my hands on both sides of the speaker and used a quirk to try and remove it. After about five seconds that felt like forever in the sound of sirens and people yelling, running, and talking frantically, I was able to break the speaker from around his neck and free him. I was caught off guard by the blood that started to gush right away from a wound that was impaled by a part of the speaker. Mic tried to grab at his throat and talk, but I ordered while Aizawa took his hand, "Don't speak." The main reason why I didn't want him to speak was that it was causing more blood to flow from the gash when he tried to talk. Aizawa held tightly to his hand while I tried to heal the wound at least. Instead of having my hand hovering over the wound, I had to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and so I was able to heal it faster. As soon as I removed my hands, I felt blood dripping from them and looked up to see a paramedic that was just standing there a little ways from us. I didn't blame him for not being able to see us since debris was all around. "Hey, we need a medic over here!" I hollered, which then the paramedic ran in our direction, gathering back up to bring a stretcher and such.

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