Chapter 127: Festival Preparations

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When I sat everything on the ground, I too sat down and waited for everyone to catch up. I pulled out my earbuds and listened to music. As I did that, I got the idea that since I felt that they were going to take forever to get to where I was, I could play one of the bass guitars since there were two. I brought everything to where we were going to perform and plugged in the amp, then the guitar. I pretty much did what I usually do when I'm back at the apartment. I threw in my earbuds and listened to a song as I played the bass part as I sang the most parts, humming the rest. I played my favorite one that I always have to play- Bohemian Rhapsody. The solo is fun to play on the electric guitar, but the bass is better this time in my opinion.

When I finished it, I ran through it again, but this time the rest of my class arrived. I didn't notice them until Jiro tapped on my shoulder. As soon as I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jumped and yanked out my earbuds, making my ears hurt. As I turned everything down on the amp and guitar, Jiro asked, "Do you want to do something other than backstage stuff?"

I unplugged the guitar from the amp as I replied, "Oh no, it's fine, we need people in the back."

As I unplugged the amp from the wall she said, "You sure? You're pretty good at playing bass, not to mention that you're also good at singing."

'Oh god...kill me now...this is embarrassing!'

My face turned red as I removed the guitar strap from around my shoulder, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"Really?" she said with a hand on her hip and in a sarcastic tone, "I think that everyone else would disagree with you."

My face turned even redder upon realizing that everyone was there. I looked down, trying to hide my face with my hair. Midoriya then ran up and patted my back as he said in a happy and excited tone, "C'mon, Y/N, you should do it! You're so good at playing and singing, you should show off what you can do!"

"I d-don't like t-to sh-show off." I stuttered.

Bakugo walked up with his hands in his pockets and said surprisingly without hollering, yet still glaring, "Just do it. We could have two people on one part adding to it."

"Good idea, would could have someone play up an octave and one lower." Jiro said, thinking of how it could work.

Everyone then started telling me that I should do it rather than hiding backstage. With everyone telling me that, I couldn't help but give into it and take the part. I gave a sigh, "F-fine...I'll do it." There was then a slight roar from everyone once they heard my answer.

Jiro gave a smile as she said, "Thank you!" I nodded my head with a reluctant smile. "You'll then be playing the same part as me, so you could look at the music that I have, though you're going to have to memorize it."

"Who's going to p-play the octave higher?" I asked with my sudden stutter wearing off.

"It's up to you. If you want I can since I know the piece more." she suggested.

I thought about it as everyone started to move things to their places. "I could bump it up since I could use a quirk to memorize it. With or without the quirk it would be easy since I've been playing bass for so long."

She smiled, "Sure, we'll do that."

She then walked to the case that the guitar that she was going to use was in and took a folder out of the case and handed me the music. I took it and memorized it in no time, but it was also fairly simple so I would have been able to remember it without the quirk. Once I had it memorized, we then ran through our part, making sure that it would sound alright. When we figured it was alright, we ran it through with everyone. We had to stop once or twice because Bakugo got off beat. Even Though I didn't play the drum set for this, I still knew where he got off.

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