Chapter 5: It's a new day, it's a new me and it's a new life

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I woke up the next morning with a dry throat. I roll out from under the covers, stood up reluctantly and made my bed. Once I finished with that, I made my way into the kitchen to drink some water. I then realized that I was starving; I didn't eat at all yesterday. I then walked over to the counter, grabbed a cup of instant ramen, generated a kettle and started to boil some water for the ramen. While I waited for the water to start boiling, (cause you know, a watched pot never boils) I got dressed. When I got back to the kitchen, it just started to boil. I then took it off the burner and poured it in the cup to the fill line and let it set for a few minutes before I ate it.

While I was eating, I realized that school should be starting soon. Right then a panic swept over me cause I realized that I wasn't enrolled in a school. As soon as I finished my ramen cup, I generated the parent figures once again and walked to the nearest school for children my age and tried to enroll there. After being the puppeteer for three hours, I finally made it home. Though it was a lot of hard work to keep the man and woman in the same form, I wasn't as tired as I was the last time.

It's cause you keep on using your quirk, it makes that quirk that you use stronger.

"Yeah, you may be right." I said as I turned to look out the window. I didn't know what my real quirk was, all I know is that as long as I can think up of a power and know how to use it to its full extent, I can use it. In that moment, I thought that I should keep a notebook filled with all the quirks that I have uncovered, what each one does, and how I activate that quirk.

I generated a notebook and a pencil. I then looked around for a place to sit as I write. As I looked around, I realized that my apartment looked pretty barren. I decided to try and do the same thing that I did with my generation quirk to make my bed, but with a stool for by the kitchen counter. I sat with my legs criss-crossed, put my hands on top of each other, and concentrated with all my might to make a chair appear. After I felt a strange feeling of relief, I opened my eyes, and to my surprise stood a stool. I excitedly picked up my notebook and pencil, and jump up on the stool so I could start my "Quirk Journal". I started to scribble down the first quirk that I used:

1. Teleportation: Teleport anywhere as long as I know where I am (most of the time).

2. Generation: Can generate anything as long as I can imagine that item in my head. It can be out of my body or just by concentration if great enough. Can even generate people and control them.

3. Spikes: Shoots spikes out of hands.

4. Translate: Translates any language weather it's being heard or read. It looks and hears like my native language. Also how I speak is also translated for the other party.

I then dated them and sat the book down along with the pencil. I turn around and tried to make a small sofa for the living room. Though it took a little longer since it was a larger item, I still did it. I made a sofa! As I got excited, I tried to think of more quirks that I could do. As my mind raced excitedly to try and think of quirks that I could try and use, I thought of one after another. As I thought of them, I attempt to do it, confirmed with myself that I can, in fact, do it and use it to the best of my ability, I wrote it down in my notebook and continued on to the next idea. By the end of the day I had already filled three pages, front and back, with powers that I uncovered. I then decided to try and generate a bookshelf for my bedroom, but as it turned out, I couldn't. I used my quirk too much and was starting to feel ill. Deciding that I would go to bed, I'd continue more attempts the next morning.

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