Chapter 9: A good fight for once

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The next many weeks of school were like usual, except for being called out to action a few times to stop villains. The day that set it apart from the rest was when we went to the USJ arena. Everything was going according to plan, except for when villains started to attack. Pretty much half of the students were with me while everyone else was hidden or fighting elsewhere. Some villains attacked the group I was with while others went out on their own.

They were low grade ones that I hadn't seen before, so I figured that it would be easy to tackle them. Well, I was kinda wrong. I started with teleporting behind one and trying to just throw punches and kicks with some power packed behind them, but those kinda failed cause I guess he anticipated my moves and blocked my punch, then caught my foot and threw me. Before I could hit a barrier, I was able to stop myself and teleport, but this time I came back invisible, made him freeze in place, and used my quirk to knock him unconscious until I decided to take him out of the temporary trance. I then did the same thing with the other few villains that were there. As soon as I got everyone close enough, I teleported back to the classroom with them and told them to stay put while I went back.

Once I arrived back at the arena, I found a few more students and brought them back to the classroom. When I got back to the arena once again, I noticed that all of the weaker villains were all done for and all that was left were a few higher grade villains and a beast that I had never seen before. When I noticed that a light blue haired guy was closing in on Tsuyu, I saw that Aizawa was being beaten to a pulp by the beast. I then instantly thought of a quirk that would help from the distance that I was at that I could use without teleporting: erase his quirk like Aizawa. I used my new quirk on the villain without already knowing that Aizawa had done so, then turned myself invisible again before teleporting to Aizawa to take out the beast that was defeating him.

I put most of my quirk into a punch and went after it once it went flying. I tried using my quirk on it to knock it out telepathically, but no matter how many times I tried, it just didn't work. I was then caught off guard and sent flying through the air. As I was, I thought to myself, 'Well shit, this isn't going as planned at all. What a pain.' I then caught myself on the wall and propelled myself back towards the beast. As I did, I generated a fairly sizable knife as I was flying back, and once I got close enough, I slashed its throat...well, what I thought was its throat. When I looked back, I noticed that it was still moving around and was sure lively as hell. I thought to myself, 'Alright, let's try something else.' With one jump, I went soaring towards it again, slashing the back of its neck. It tried to move and defend itself, but my attack somehow worked. When I saw it drop to the ground, I noticed that I cut about half way through its neck. Out of excitement, I let out a loud, "Hell yeah!" as I raise my open hand up above my head.

I then look to my right and see Aizawa trying to move from his own pool of blood that was forming on the ground. "Shit!" I accidentally exclaimed out loud and covered my mouth as I realize that all the profanity left my mouth. I ran to him as I absorbed the knife I had generated back into my body. Realizing that the other few villains are still out there, I used my locating quirk to sense if anyone else was there. I didn't sense anyone else that I already didn't know. I let out a sigh of relief as I looked back down at my teacher. ''re in bad shape.' I just finished telling myself that as paramedics and police stormed the place. A young paramedic ran up to us with a stretcher. I helped the paramedic put my homeroom teacher on the stretcher and I watched as the paramedic went running off. I then look back at the beast's lifeless body.

'Why does this remind me of something?'

Your family.

I felt a cold chill as I remembered that terrible day. I walk back to the beast and pay my respects. I may be what some would call cold hearted and dense, but I have to keep up my new hero image, ya know?

As I walked away I think to myself, 'That was a good fight...ones like those wouldn't be too bad every once in a while.' I let out a sigh as I looked down and continued, 'So, this is what it's going to be like...having colleagues get hurt and having to save them too. That's fine 'n all but...if I'm no-'

If you're not careful or fast enough, they will die. For how shitty you are, you might as well die alongside them.

I grip my now bleeding arm due to its intense pain cause fighting caused some newer cuts to reopen.

"Oh my, are you okay? You are bleeding." A paramedic asks me as I walk out of the arena. I look down and notice that it's bleeding through my thick bandages and uniform.

'Shit! I'm going to get caught!' I thought to myself.

"I-it's fine, it's someone else's." What a simple lie to use.

"Are you sure? Well if you insist." she said as she looked back over the arena, trying to spot anyone else.

I put my hands in my pockets and teleported to the closest hospital.

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