Chapter 15: Back to school once again

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I rolled over on my side and shut off the alarm. I let out a sigh and counted down to try and get myself out of bed. I got dressed and went about my normal routine for school. This was my first time back to school in a while. I was out on a lot of interviews and was needed to fight crime. It was a pain in the ass cause I didn't like attention, but hey, what else did I expect was to happen from being a hero at such a young age.

As I sat on the train, I saw a familiar face, but since I was half asleep I wasn't too sure. "Good morning, Y/N. I didn't know that you rode this train." It was Midoriya.

"Oh, yeah, I do." He sat down next to me as I paused, "So, how have you been? It feels like I haven't seen you in forever."

He then scratched the back of his head as he said, "Oh, I-I've been fine. How about you? Oh, who were you taking care of at the hospital? I don't think any students got injured?"

'He stuttered on his reply to me asking him how he's been, he also seemed nervous. The only time someone does that is if something is wrong. Not to mention that I'm getting this vibe from him that he's hurting both physically and...mentally? That stupid emotion quirk that lets me feel others emotions is activated but I don't feel anything...hmm...wait! What if-' My thought was then cut off by the voice in my head.

Yeah, what if he has depression and cuts like you. So what? Who cares? It's his problem. Not yours.

'But I don't want him to feel the same way as me. It's a living hell, but worse. I can't die even if I tried and I have. Damn quirk. Hmm, I have also noticed that he messes with his sleeves a lot and wears a long sleeve shirt under his uniform and hero outfit; so maybe.'

I respond, "Well I'm fine too, just tired. And to answer your question, the person that I was seeing in the hospital was Mr. Aizawa. I feel like it was my fault that he got injured. I waited for him to wake up so I could tell him that I was sorry due to my negligence causing him to get hurt." I finished as I looked down at my feet and balling up my fists. For some reason I was getting mad.

"It wasn't your fault, Y/N. When I looked back just before I left, I saw that you were there fighting that Nomu. You saved him! That is what you're supposed to do, though he may not be in the best of shape, you still saved him!" He said trying to cheer me up.

I then put on a fake smile, but tried to make it look real as I said, "Thank you."

After a few minutes of silence, he asked, "Did you remember that the festival is today? Is that why you came back today?"

I then looked up and answered, "Well, I suppose so. I would say what I'm going to do, but I'm not sure if I can. Anyway, I'm kind of excited. It gives me something to do rather than fight crime, but yesterday was my last day for doing day shifts; I now do them after school."

Midoriya replied, "So, you're competing in the festival?!"

All I said was, "I'm not sure." to try and cover up the fact that whoever wins the duels will go up against me. "I have to follow some rules that won't apply to you regular students."

He then said in a sorry tone, "Oh." then added in a seemingly happy and upbeat tone, "Well, I hope that you will be competing too. I'm both excited and nervous, but my mother is more scared and worried that I'll get hurt. What do your parents think?"

'My parents, huh? I haven't thought about them in years.'

I lied and said, "W-well, they are happy that I'm already making a path for my future, though I'm sure they too are worried that I'll get hurt, but they won't admit it."

The train stopped and Iida, along with Uraraka, entered the train. Uraraka looked around for a spot to sit then spotted Midoriya and I, then waved with a smile.

"Hey look, it's Uraraka and Iida." he said to me as he waved with a smile, then motioned to them to join us. The three of them then asked me questions on what I did while I was out of school.

When we finally arrived at school, we were told to get into our gym uniforms; except for me, I was told to change into my hero costume. It's nothing special, really. All it is, is just a pair of black jeans, a sweatshirt with a darker red base and black speckles along with a pocket (cause for comfort, ya know?), a mask that has the same prescription as my glasses, black steel toe boots, and under all of that, protective armor. Now, the armor has different densities depending on how I control it with a quirk, but the only downside is that if I get distracted and don't make it thicker depending on the attack, it may break and will be a nuisance being broken under my clothes. I could regenerate it but I would have to stand still for a minute, and in a fight, I don't have that sort of time, so I would just dissolve it.

As I walked to the waiting area, Midnight caught me and said, "Nezu told me to find you and tell you that he'd like you to wait in the announcers booth."

I then asked, "Why there?"

Midnight responded, "I guess for safety? I heard that your house was broken into by a villain. So I guess that Nezu doesn't want a repeat of events. It will also serve as a surprise to the competitors with you being hidden then coming out for a fight."

"Alright, I understand." I said as I turned around and stuck my hands in my pocket.

After walking what seemed like miles, I finally made it to the announcers booth.

"Good morning." I said as I entered the booth.

Both Mic and Aizawa turn around to see, "Oh, hey! I heard that someone was joining us here, but I couldn't remember who." Mic said loudly.

Aizawa then said in what seemed like a whisper compared to Mic, "I knew it was her. You're just an idiot that can't remember."

I then took a seat as Mic said ear-splittingly, "Hey, I'm not an idiot Sho. I'm just bad at remembering sometimes."

Aizawa responded in an annoyed tone, "I can see that. You should already know, but don't call me that, we are at work." His eyes started to turn red and his hair started to stand up too.

Mic then said in a worried tone, "C'mon, you know what the doctor said. I don't want to take you back." Aizawa then let out a sigh and closed his eyes until it was time to start.

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